You should fear Obamas every action now. There are red flags all - TopicsExpress


You should fear Obamas every action now. There are red flags all over the place...all pointing to a continued march toward Martial Law and New World Order. Hes counting on the fact you wont see them but I told you we always have your back. Well make sure you know whats coming down. Look at some of what weve alerted to you already: Red Flag #1: Heavy check mark Mass military decimation, demoralizing and weakening Hes fired our militarys finest—200 since he took office. If youre in the military you dont dare speak out—the consequences are devastating. Obama sees to it that youre silenced, fired or denied a promotion. Hes putting loyalists in place that have promised to pry the guns from our cold, dead hands. His mind games are demoralizing our military as he weakens our soldiers, shredding military budgets to nothing. Red Flag #2: Heavy check mark Conducting widespread gun-grabs, turning Americans into sitting ducks The king has promised to defy Congress and issue a steady stream of executive orders to strip us of our guns. If you have the slightest mental health issue—even post-partum depression—Obama says Sorry, no guns for you! Our own veterans have been stripped of their guns! Obama and his administration are using propaganda, lies and psychological warfare to demonize gun owners. Eric Holder publicly said they must brainwash the public into thinking guns are bad. Red Flag #3: Heavy check mark Freely giving away US sovereignty to impose New World Order If Obama get his way the US will be under foreign control. Hes giving away our land and our oceans. Under a new free trade agreement our own Supreme Court will have no power. Obamas opening America up to attack to allow the extremists and terrorists to take control. Red Flag #4: Heavy check mark Allowing extremists and terrorists to infiltrate the White House Shocking and appalling but terrifying and true. Obama has placed known extremists from the Muslim Brotherhood and those with known ties to terrorists in the White House. Huma Abedin, Hillary Clintons chief of staff, is one of them. A member of the DHS Security Council, Mohamed Elibiary is another. Still there are two dozen others with those same ties who have been given a free pass within the Obama administration. They have access to everything! Red Flag #5: Heavy check mark Spying on Americans non-stop, round the clock Ever ask yourself why Obama refuses to stop the NSA spying program? Because hes actively seeking out his enemies. When Martial law goes into full effect he knows who to target and hunt down, round up and arrest. You can get ready or you can help us stop him now. Red Flag #6: Heavy check mark Democrats are pushing for an Obama third term Even if they dont get what they want through Congress, with Obama on the executive order rampage, all he has to do is sign an executive order to change the election laws. BAM! He takes a third term. The writings on the wall. Executive power czar, John Podesta has boasted that Obamas just getting warmed up. What terrifies me is that Obama could change our laws so that there are NO term limits in the presidency. The thought makes me ill. information from word press....
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 00:49:42 +0000

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