You simply have to admire the American principle of free speech in - TopicsExpress


You simply have to admire the American principle of free speech in order to understand the irony of listening to people who fabricate shit on-the-fly, and in particular, the so-called fair and balanced folks at FOX News - and, of course, their counterparts at FOX North, the SUN Media group. However, Ill refrain from commentary on our Canadian reactionaries so as to concentrate more upon the fair and balanced nature in which FOX News is now treating the revelation that American photojournalist Jim Foley was beheaded by so-called Islamist extremists in the terrorist organization known as ISIS, or ISAL, as President Obama refers to them. It should be pointed out to any who have this propensity to think of others of different religions as not having the same sensitivity towards as we more enlightened individuals in westernized civilizations, but when Al Qaeda and the highest ranking Muslim clergy member in Saudi Arabia are simultaneously condemning this brutal act - and its posting on YouTube as though it were nothing - maybe some people should start backing off on their anti-Muslim rhetoric and perhaps re-reading the Koran (how about reading it for the first time?) for its more compassionate intonations. On CNNs New Day this morning, an Imam and a highly respected human rights lawyer - himself a Muslim - called ISIS for what it is - an organization not unlike Cambodias Khmer Rouge, insensitive to the teachings of any semblance of religious belief, and governing (or pretending to do so) through the tactics of fear and brutal intimidation - with the result that thousands of Muslims whose beliefs follow more closely the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed have been executed, women raped, and children sold into slavery. Sure, these thugs flying the flag of ISIS have threatened genocide of minority religions (read Christians, although it was their declared intent to execute tens of thousands of Yazidis trapped on a mountaintop in northern Iraq [Kurdish Muslim territory] that finally galvanized President Obama to call in U.S. air strikes - to criticism on FOX News, of course), and they have to be stopped - but the question is, How do you propose to do that? Well, if you work for FOX News, youve got the answers; just ask Sean Hannity, that university talk show drop-out - whos NEVER served a day as a volunteer in any United States armed forces - and that INCLUDES the National Guard. But - Sean know? Right... Mr. Hannity tries to make people believe that hes not just the ignorant racist that he confirms being every time that he opens his mouth - but - still - he tries to hide behind that FOX News mantra of fair and balanced. President Obama praised Jim Foleys courage in trying to bring the true measure of tragedy in Syria and Iraq to the attention of the American people. BUT, the prez doesnt say what he plans to DO about it; to Sean, that makes the president as a coward, so hes got to go get the opinion of one of those vaunted Republican nattering narcissist nabobs of (anti-black) negativism (with due respect to former VP Spiro Agnew), Dick Chaney. By now, unless youre a Republican or worship at the altar of Ted Cruz, you should be aware that Chaney is himself a war criminal, the author of the WMD conspiracy in Iraq that led to the carpet bombing of Baghdad and the deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqis, the recruiting buzzword on any ISIS recruitment materials, and the eventual enriching of the Chaney bank accounts through the plundering of Iraqi resources (and U.S. government aid monies meant for the rebuilding of Iraq) through the machinations of Halliburton corporations - AND, himself, and like Hannity, NEVER having served in any military organization in any capacity - save, of course, unless being one heartbeat away from having his finger on the nuclear button as the Vice President of the United States counts as military service. But to Sean, Chaney is a man about these things (just dont send him to hunt with friends, as he still hasnt taken that course on firearm safety), and we should still be listening to him for advice as to how to handle those ISIS thugs... Right... Hannity, of course, isnt the only one on FOX News with a severe case of penis envy (and that includes Megan Kelly, albeit, she first has to become a transgender, a group to which she also has extreme aversion, a sentiment she also directs towards President Obama) and titillated by the prospect of massacring thousands more in the interests of retaliating for what ISIS did to Mr. Foley. FOX has a whole coterie of slavering warrior contributors to their newsroom that theyre more than willing to trot out in order to try and embarrass President Obama. This group includes some washed-up and retired U.S. general, who promptly called Obamas plan for selectively targeting ISIS targets in air strikes designed to help Iraqi forces, with the help of Kurdish militants, take back their country, nothing more than pin-pricks. What? Say, wasnt this clown in the U.S. military when President Nixon ineffectively carpet bombed Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia trying to quell the communist hordes threatening our way of life? Wasnt he in the war room cheer-leading the parade when George W.s shock and awe carpet bombing of Iraq had the surreal effect of increasing the number of recruits to Al Qaeda - and, as we now see, the ranks of ISIS? Do these clowns EVER learn anything from the lessons of history? OK, so President Obama goes on national television, expresses extreme sympathy for the family of Mr. Foley, calls ISAL a cancer, promises that the United States will continue to be strong and vigilant in its pursuit of any and all who threaten citizens of the United States - and then goes golfing with former Miama Heat super-star Alonzo Mourning - NOT good optics. Ill concur with that observation. BUT.... Well, maybe the president hasnt been telling the world just exactly what the U.S. was trying to do on behalf of Mr. Foley and other U.S. citizens being held hostage by extremists in Iraq and Syria; SO, to correct this problem, the Pentagon releases a fairly in-detail account of a past plan to try to rescue same - AND, in the process, gets lambasted by the FOX warriors for revealing too much about military tactics, and putting these hostage-takers on alert, as though some SEAL team is suddenly going to show up in black helicopters and machine-gun their sorry asses into the arms of seven virgins. But THEN... Then...Hannity and the slavering hordes of Obama hate-mongers at FOX News DEMAND of this president - WHAT are you going to do to send a message to ISIS that no one messes with Uncle Sam? Wait a minute, here; arent those two last paragraphs the literary definition of a contradiction in terms - or is my ability to logically appraise facts for what they are so damaged by the sheer banality of FOX News fact that Ive become just another one of the illiterate hordes of liberals out there supporting the policies of the Obama administration despite the fair and balanced fact reporting done by FOX News? The world is a mess, and I need a vacation; so, too, does President Obama. But did you know that the President (according to FOX News, anyway), is currently on vacation at Marthas Vineyard - as though being wakened up in the middle of the night (or in the middle of trying to actually enjoy some conjugal relations with his equally pilloried wife) by some press secretary or military aide bringing him the latest news from Ferguson, Missouri or air strike results from northern Iraq is a vacation... Mr. President, you should come back to Canada, invited by our Prime Minister or not. FIND the owner of that cookie shop in Ottawa who, on your last visit, gave you cookies that you were EXPLICITLY instructed were for your kids. ASK the owner for one or two more - JUST for yourself... Im pretty certain hell be more than happy to provide such nourishment. In the process, maybe youll start to understand that some parts of the world appreciate your efforts at trying to keep us all safe and away from the arms of Armageddon or whatever other religious Hell FOX or its minions in Canada are trying to incite. You might also then understand why the overwhelming majority of Canadians are cynics..optimistic ones, but cynics, nonetheless.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:56:35 +0000

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