• You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, - TopicsExpress


• You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3 (NIV) Activities You Can Participate In: Tuesday: 9:00 am… Sister’s Share–N-Prayer Wednesday: 6:30 pm… Prayer Partner’s Ministry 7:00 pm… JAM Kid’s Ministry 7:00 pm… Ladies Bible Study 7:00 pm… Men’s Bible Study Next Sunday: 8:30 am … Prayer with Pastor Clint for our services and the church 9:30 am … Sunday School 10:30 am… Kid’s JAM Children’s Church 10:45 am … Morning Worship Upcoming Events: This Week; January 15 … Committee/Group/Board Reports for 2014 due in church office January 22 … Ladies Sewing Group January 25 … Annual Business Meeting/Elections ~ ~ ~ Pastor’s Sermon Notes: All Things New, It’s Never Too Late - - Psalms 139 Psalms 139 are considered one of the ‘Wisdom’ psalms. You are never too old or too far gone to start over or start a new relationship with Christ. 1. What is God going to find after searching you? Vs. 139:1 a. Will you answer with deception, lacking integrity, greed, jealousy, stubborn, sorrow, trouble, anguish or despair? b. Or will you answer with integrity, compassion, love, happiness or a positive outlook? c. Different versions of the bible read differently. In the NLT, the word ‘heart’ is used in place of me. ‘You have searched my heart and you know everything about me.’ d. Heart in the bible refers to the whole being of a person as well as the physical heart. Some verses refer to the heart as the commitment and direction of your life. e. God knows the inner reality of our inner life. 2. The Lord is always with you. Vs. 139:7 a. No matter how your heart is; you can count on the Lord’s presence in your life. b. He is present in everyone’s life that calls him Lord. c. In this passage; David expresses his awe of the Lord’s omnipresence. d. Despite your sins, disabilities, inabilities, bad habits or even doubt the Lord is with you. e. You’re never too old or far gone to receive or rekindle the Lord’s salvation. 3. Rejection of evil is a mark of wisdom. VS. 139:21 a. The bible gives examples of people showing wisdom or the Lord teaching about it. b. OT examples are different from the NT. 1. Skilled arts. 2. Those that have answers or help others/themselves deal with the pressures of life. 3. A conduct of life that’s orderly, morally upright. c. The OT revealed Jesus to the world as the messiah, wisdom changed and these are still true today. d. You can’t pursue God and evil; rejecting evil allows you to pursue God. 4. The path of wisdom leads to everlasting life! VS. 139:24 a. We are to be disciples to those that do not know the Lord. b. You should be growing in wisdom until you can provide wisdom and guidance to others. c. There are those that are growing and those that are helping others grow. d. Finding favor with God, wisdom leads to everlasting life – eternity, heaven. e. Rejecting evil – produces wisdom; but you must pursue God to increase in wisdom and receive eternal life. Psalm 1:6; ‘For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.” There’s no better day than today to say to the Lord, ‘I can’t do this alone; I want a new start!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:47:30 +0000

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