Youd better watch out for the RUMOR WEED! I love Veggie Tales, - TopicsExpress


Youd better watch out for the RUMOR WEED! I love Veggie Tales, but seriously...people need to be very wary of repeating things theyve overheard or been told by people, even by people who are supposedly involved in the events. WHY is it that *some* people calling themselves CHRISTIANS cannot wait to repeat such SHIT? Is it that they think repeating gossip is acceptable as long as it appears to be a mighty fine CAUTIONARY TALE? I have two thoughts to share: Judge not; lest ye be judged. AND Let him (or her) who is without sin cast the first stone. (I dont need to include the chapter and verse because if you are a Christian, YOU ALREADY KNOW IT.) Seriously. When you go around repeating stories youve heard, has it ever occurred to you that the subject of these stories might have children who do NOT need to hear the bullshit?!? The more times a story is shared, the more likely it is that an innocent bystander will get hurt by the malicious spitefulness. Now, I know that some people, after reading my rant, will assume I MUST be guilty. And let me confess, I have done a LOT of less than perfect things in my life, but with God as my witness, (as He will ultimately be my judge) I have done NOTHING of which I am ashamed.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 19:37:08 +0000

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