Your Chance of a Lifetime During the most difficult days of - TopicsExpress


Your Chance of a Lifetime During the most difficult days of World War II, Winston Churchill asked a critical criteria for and test for all of us when he declared:“To every man there comes that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a special thing unique to him and fitted to his talent. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour.” Kairos is an ancient Greek word meaning the “right or opportune moment.” In rhetoric kairos is “a passing instant when an opening appears which must be driven through with great force if success is to be achieved. Kairos is the crucial or critical time to act.” In the New Testament kairos means “the appointed time in the purposes of God, the time when God acts.” (Mark 1:15 the kairos is fulfilled.) It differs from the more common word for time which is chronos. (i.e. chronological time). Kairos is different – it is the more the “chance of a lifetime” kind of time. We must remember that the opportunity of lifetime can only be grasped in the lifetime of the opportunity - which is often fleeting. Such opportunities are not just about big life altering moments in our personal journey. In fact, they are, more often than not, small and seemingly insignificant opportunities to bless and even change the life of another. As Disciples of Jesus Christ the question is not about whether or not we will be given a kairos moment, for in truth our days are filled with numerous kairos moments. Opportunities abound to stand up, speak out, serve and make a difference. The question for disciples today is, “Will we be worthy and willing to take advantage of each kairos moment when it comes our way?” Are you ready? Listen and be ready for your “tap on the shoulder.” Your personal Kairos moment may come sooner than you think. Share a kairos moment from your life, the life of an ancestor, a family member or friend. How do we best prepare for opportunities to serve? Discuss kairos moments from the scriptures or from history. How has your life been blessed because someone else seized a kairos moment and served you? Join the discussion at journey to discipleship on FaceBook
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 00:43:30 +0000

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