Your ability to connect and convene with your higher selves will - TopicsExpress


Your ability to connect and convene with your higher selves will largely determine how easily you’re able to take-in and assimilate massive quantities and purity of Light from the higher dimensions. We actively encourage every one of you to work with as much of yourselves as possible on fashioning the connection with us souls speaking with you, as well as your higher selves, as much as you can. Your development of this connection is more than important to your personal ascension and to the ascension of your entire Earth. The collective of humanity is to be informed of the reality and importance of your latent metaphysical ability, and telepathy specifically will be discussed to the helm as revelations concerning humanity’s ability to pick-up on varying frequencies of metaphysical energy, are given. It will be widely known and understood that what so many souls are successfully and unsuccessfully doing with attempting to connect with we in the higher realms, is quite a real process and should be treated with the respect and honor that such a sacred process deserves. Truly, a select few humans in your recent history have been able to tap-into their personal telepathic ability and find connections beyond your physical reality. As we and others have said in the past, your bodies are akin to radio receivers that can pick-up on varying frequencies and purity of energy in every moment, and the actions you employ, the thoughts you think and feel and what you put into your bodies will largely determine the purity of energy you receive. Actively Monitoring One’s Health It’s important to actively monitor everything that’s put into your evolving bodies, and to seek out the healthiest of alternatives to what may ordinarily harm your bodies, as the changeover from carbon to crystalline is as well a sacred process that’s meant to be treated with the respect and Love of our Creator. A main theme of the ascension processes of many of you as they stand currently is emerging from the personal shells that have been built upon around your innate, real spiritual Selves. We’re here to help you with this process, as we encourage you to practice the little things that’ll help you to break out of your shells and maintain an active connection with and interest in this physical world you’ve come from the higher dimensions to help uplift. A large facet of the missions of many of you who feel yourselves on the Earth to spread Light and truth, will be speaking to the Earth public; giving introductions and giving your stance on the widespread disclosures that’ll have hit by the time many of you will be spreading the truth you’ve come to the Earth to spread. It is for this reason that we strongly encourage every one of you continue on in attempting to emerge and exist in your Earthly reality in the purest and clearest ways possible. While your Earth is far from the higher dimensions of blissful experience so many of you are used to, experiencing it doesn’t have to be a bad or even difficult thing. You dear souls have largely proven this with your incarnations unto the Earth’s surface; as you have been able to find and maintain pure perspectives despite the (seeming) difficulty, limitation and density you had incarnated under in an effort to assist the Earth’s collective.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 20:42:35 +0000

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