Your business will not expand too much from changing your - TopicsExpress


Your business will not expand too much from changing your branding, or changing your title. If your underlying goal is to get more customers, you might get new customers for a short time but they will drop off. We live in a time where the only way to truly become the greatest is to connect to your soul completely. You cant fake it. You cant sustain yourself with silly marketing tactics. People completely see through BS and if you are not the real thing, you will fail. Period. People can see so many How can I get more customers? mind sets out there. We see the neediness in the ads. If you feel things sinking, the greatest thing to do is stop, and listen. You are in fear that you will lose people. That comes across to all potential buyers. You have to get to a place where your highest purpose is truly YOUR CONNECTION WITH YOURSELF and YOUR OBSESSION WITH YOUR OWN ART THAT IS COMING OUT OF YOU. That needs to be number one, over how many people can you get right now. Stevie Wonder is one of the greatest musicians, because he is deeply connected to what he was presenting. You can see that he is in love with what is coming through. He even sings about things like that in his songs. Louis CK is in a constant journey of self discovery. He is reinventing comedy, effortlessness, even the way we buy specials and tickets. He is always allowing his own expansiveness and it is showing in every part of him. Steve Jobs was all innovation and creativity. He presented ideas instead of tricks. He said what would truly impact the world and allowed incredible ideas come out of thin air. These people and many others have raised the bar high and people now have many many choices for anything. The only way to truly expand you and your business is to take time away and discover something about yourself that you have never seen. Otherwise your company will not be the highest passion in your life. If you dont give a crap, nobody else will. If people can see that you would completely do what you do for free, because you are obsessed with it, because you love it, then they might be able to trust you. What you are truly selling is your passion. Thats something everyone wants to feel. kylecease
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 23:47:58 +0000

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