Your leaders use hypnotic suggestions. Example: Your boss comes up - TopicsExpress


Your leaders use hypnotic suggestions. Example: Your boss comes up to you and says, hey, you are coming in to work saturday and sunday, Gee thanks, bye. And leaves without allowing you to counter or address. Or they word statements so you are unable to disagree with them. Our lawmakers do it by saying: Attempting to overthrow the government is an act of Treason punishable by death...... Sooo they are not accountable to anyone? Tell your boss, F off, and tell them as well. If this is the case, we should hold them to the same standards. They chose a job at the White house/civil service employee, and to abandon your job is to abandon the public whom you serve. Thus this is an act of treason. You must go back to work, but you must do it on our terms. Otherwise, get out of the way and let us run this shit. They also use hypnotic suggestions by using statements such as, War on Terror, War for Peace ETC. These are all oxymoronic statements, they invalidate their own arguments but inside your subconscious mind a paradox has been planted that keeps you confused. You can look at it for what it is. BS and move on with your thought process. If you ask someone a question and they do not answer your question then you are BEING HAD. If you ask a politician a question and they dont have an immediate solution, ask WHY like a child would. Eventually what are they going to say, thats just the way it is..... Well, if that is the way it is, perhaps, we should change the way it is..... Your lack of understanding and ability to give answers means you are not an authority. We are just as much an authority as you...... So stop listening to people without answers, and find your own, and BE HEARD....
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 20:36:07 +0000

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