Your unconscious minds primary goal is to assure your physical, - TopicsExpress


Your unconscious minds primary goal is to assure your physical, psychological, and emotional survival. One of the ways the unconscious works to do this is by repressing memories that it believes you are unequipped to handle. If you have unresolved negative emotions from your past that are detrimental to your current emotional or mental wellbeing, the unconscious will often place these things down beneath your awareness in a process known as “repression.” This way, you can get on with your daily life, oblivious to the fact that certain ghosts of your past stand ready to wage war. And, like everything that the unconscious does, there is a positive intent behind this man-oeuvre. At certain points in our lives, we may not be mature, strong or wise enough to deal with certain things that come our way. Considering that, the ability to repress things that are too big to handle can be very useful. But repression is just a temporary fix, a Band-Aid, if you will, that covers the festering wound. In order for you to become truly healthy, happy and whole, there are some things that require closure. Thats why the unconscious mind may, at some time, bring things that have been repressed back into your awareness. This is to give you another shot at resolving things that have not been dealt with properly. If you are currently experiencing dis ease due to unresolved negative emotions that are holding you back from living an extraordinary life, contact us at Your Desired Life today for your free consultation!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 06:51:06 +0000

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