ZAP SAYS; HI ALL THE PIGS OF CHANGE (WINDS TOO) ARE HERE. THE BANKERS AND REGULATORS (I.M.F., FED, U.S.T, C.T., B.I.S., WORLD BANK, U.N., M M.O.U.S.E., AND OTHERS) HAVE GATHERED LAST WEEK IN BEIJING TO DO THE FINAL ITEMS REQUIRED BEFORE THE RESETS CAN KICK IN AND TAKE EFFECT. THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE RESULTS OF THIS EFFORT ARE TOMORROW, JUNE 30. ON JULY 1 (TUESDAY), THESE RESULTS WILL TAKE EFFECT. WHAT ARE THESE RESULTS AND WHAT IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT ALL ABOUT? ONE WORD. PIGS. SO THE PURPLE ONES WILL BEGIN THEIR FINAL APPROACH AND THE FUNDS RELEASES WILL BE DONE. THAT MEANS THAT WE ARE IN GCR MODE WITH THE GLOBAL RESET NOT FAR AWAY. HISTORIC BOND REDEMPTION PAYMENTS WILL BE DONE, DINAR AND DONG PRIVATE PLACEMENT THAT HAVE BEEN WAITING TO START PAYING WILL BE DONE, SETTLEMENTS FROM THE PROGRAMS WILL BE DONE, AND IN GENERAL MONEY WILL FLOW. GOOD PIGS. THEY EAT VEGETABLES I UNDERSTAND. PARSNIPS, TURNIPS AND SUCH. IT IS FORECAST THAT BESIDES DEAD BANKERS, MANY VEGETABLES WILL DISAPPEAR. MOST ARRESTED, BUT SOME EATEN. SO, THAT IS ALL THE NEWS I CAN SHARE ON THAT TOPIC, AND SORRY IT IS SO GENERAL, BUT THE MEETING ALONE, SO SECRET, TELLS YOU A LOT. SO THIS IS THE FABULOUS NEWS FOR THIS WEEK, AND A FEW RESPONSES ONLY. Dear ZAP, After reading about about all the complaints, I thought it appropriate to speak up. I know that you do not need a defender but I would like to say thank you for your time and concern for others. I trust that you do the best that you can and no one with a right heart is asking for more than that. Those who seem to believe that everything should be served on a platter to their liking, just dont have the right heart to weather the storm. As a result they prefer to bring everyone else down with them just so that they can feel right about being wrong. But even in that they will not feel right when the time comes. But they want their satisfaction now... to their own ruined heart. Normally I wouldnt say much about this but apparently so many people have expressed to you his sourness of heart that it is now taking its toll. For that I am truly sorry. The bitter root of defilement can be very damaging. The cure for them is to just stop listening to you. But they continue and when things dont come to pass as planned, they look to make others more miserable than themselves. There is no justification in any of that. I have no questions for you. Just saying thanks for being there for those with the right heart to be encouraged by your time, help, and enlightenment. Blessings, GM THANKS FOR THAT. BUT THERE IS ANOTHER THING TO CONSIDER….WHILE IT IS TRUE THAT SUCH NEGATIVITY IS DEFILING AND ALL THAT, YOU HAVE TO LET THAT EXPRESSION. IF YOU DO NOT, YOU WILL NOT RECOGNIZED THE BALANCE INHERENT IN WHAT WE ALL DO – WE HAVE TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE LIGHT AND THE DARK, AND INTERESTINGLY, SINCE ALL IS LOVE AND COMES FROM THAT ENERGY (WHAT ID GOD), YOU MUST RECOGNIZE THE DIMINISHED LOVE THAT IS THE DEFILEMENT. IT IS DARK, BUT THE DARK SERVES THE LIGHT. AT ALL TIMES. I AM JUST HAPPY I HAVE A POINT OF REFERENCE TO SEE THE BRIGHT LIGHT OPPOSITE THE DARK AND GAIN BETTER UNDERSTANDING. For Zap So as more information comes out one has to do their best to discern what is real and what Next Crazy is creating their own fame on the internet as a person that knows what is going on, or are they on some kind of ego trip just looking to gain some notoriety . Anyway I hear too much and for too long without any real change in the world that I and all of us want so badly. But here I share a video of Ron Van Dyke supposedly speaking to a representative of the Dragon Family. Now I like Ron and have been listening to him from time to time for years I think he is a good soul and wants what all of us who are aware of the conditions in the world are and do want to see change. I agree with most of what Ron says. Here he is speaking to the Ambassador of the Dragon Family REAllY? WELL i LIKE WHAT THE aMBASSADOR says and the underlying spiritual message he has but is it REALLY the Ambassador or some other person portraying as one. IS this the same person or group of people you speak to and is the message consistent ? https://youtube/watch?v=lWxFbYj9hr4 Of course I would love to believe that all this is being taken care of and this long journey of 18 years is over but are the people we are hearing from really in the know and are really making the change to rid the planet of the slime that has controlled things for way to long. SO many promises and again I hear the Treasury note is Cleared for release . Again! BOOM! Okay so then a day later my buddy Ron comes out and says... Dragon Family cannot release funds until all the Cabal is eliminated or they will again end up with all the Cashola! And they cant do this until 2017 ! #####! And we hear you say. DONE DEAL!! Funds Released ! Double BOOM! So what is it Double Boom or #####? I know you will say Double Boom! DOUBLE BOOM. DOUBLE BOOM. IT WILL HAPPEN, AND HAPPEN SOON. IT WILL NOT WAIT, IT WILL NOT FROWN. IT WILL COME HERE LIKE GRINNING CLOWN. TAKE HEART, REJOICE, FOR IT IS DONE. AND SOON WE ALL WILL HAVE MUCH FUN. But what is really the truth? My head is spinning . Visions of the Exorcist :-( So will your project start on the 15th as promised? OR be delayed again? I have one in and would love to get started at least I wouldnt be sitting on my thumbs. IF YOU DO SIT ON A THUMB, DO NOT ROTATE. So give it up. Show me a Treasury Note. Something to see the results, big results.. but wait the RV...Hmm still not seeing Just a bunch of Clowns In IRAQ probably Controlled by the Cabal, they would have to be considering their behavior.. Can you say Retards! Yes the World has gone mad I just need some real meat to sink my teeth into. SO you Got the Beef Sir Zapola? ( just a little sarcasm .. I think you know well ) Peace Out! THE TRN IS TAKING THE PLACE OF THE CABAL SCHEME OF THE SDR (SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS) WHICH WOULD HAVE CONTINUED THE ENSLAVEMENT. THE TRN WILL BE USED MUCH LIKE THE 100,000 GOLD CERTIFICATES OF THE 30’S TO SETTLE BETWEEN FED BANKS AND COUNTRIES, AND SUPPORT THE GOLD BACKING OF THE REGULAR USD. ALTERNATIVELY PUT, THE TRN IS A METHODOLOGY OF TRANSFERRING METAL BACKING TO THE FIAT USD TO MAKE IT WORK IN A BASEL III COMPLIANT WORLD. We are Forever in the Matrix until the Truth is revealed... Then its just another Wizard of Oz Story a Mere Illusion IT IS ALL GOOD. THIS NEXT WEEK WILL SE THE BEGINNING OF THE RESET. THE GLOBAL MATRIX FUNDS ARE IN PROGRESS OF BEING RELEASED. BE HAPPY. IT HAS INDEED BEGUN. THE PURPLE PIGS ARE WITH YOU. IN LOVE AND LIGHT IN OUR SERVICE ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” Copyright ZAP 2014
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:31:18 +0000

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