ZIMBABWES SERVICE DELIVERY FROM THE DISCERNING EYE...................... SERVICE DELIVERY failure images seen below, were put before the Ruining Party officials. Asked to comment about the failed SERVICE DELIVERY in Zimbabwe the man in the driving seat of the economy and his henchman, expressed utter disbelief and shock at the state of decline. They swiftly turned around after regaining their composure, unleashed a volley of unprintable abuse at dissenting voices and sent back the accompanying photos of their celebrations jigs for the good life, laughter over the call for SERVICE DELIVERY along those of their own stalwarts, families, henchmen and apologists, beautiful multi million dollar mansions and a few just to cement their argument that we are all equal and everyone is happy and that everyone is living the high life in Zimbabwe. Our investigators had to beat a hasty retreat with the police hot on their heels. Fear not, we are all safe and yet to publish more eye opening revelations about the lack of equal opportunity fueled by the deliberately created Zanu PF sponsored entropy designed to benefit a few who monopolise wealth and power, whilst looting national wealth and resources under the guise of nationalisation, indigenisation and black empowerment which are simply politically correct terms for legalised crime. Are we living on the same planet? SERVICE DELIVERY is a right, not a priviledge. Demand SERVICE DELIVERY, demand your rights now! My personal opinion, Does anyone really believe that the same people who have turned the guns that liberated Zimbabwe now against the people of Zimbabwe, the real sellouts of the motherland who, in their own twisted minds actually believe that its their God given right to enjoy the windfalls of the liberation struggle whilst the rest of us look on with hungry children, parched lips and toyi-toyi dance day and night in support of the inequality, injustice and abuse? Addressing Zimbabwes crisis and restoring order means redressing the imbalances created by Mugabe and his Zanu PF leading to untold suffering amongst Zimbabweans. Sanctions my foot!.....they only seem to knock at the ordinary persons door but never at the oppressors door. The photos speak volumes. Never in any realm of anyones imagination can Mugabe and his Zanu PF have the heart to identify with the peoples cause and feel for the people, and empower everyone to liberate themselves economically. Yes we removed the oppressive white Ian Smith regime in a liberation war for independance but we inadvertently replaced that with a more oppressive and brutal Mugabe and his Zanu PF regime of black oppressors of blacks who use the same if not more oppressive tactics as Ian Smith to suppress us. The real liberation struggle is just beginning and that is liberating our kith and kin from this economic disparity created by Mugabe and his Zanu PF. What they have looted in self enriching themselves whilst forcing destitution amongst the grassroots people of Zimbabwe will be recovered with no fear or favour, no stone will be left unturned in Zimbabwe and right across the world in pursuit of our God given legacy. Zimbabwe equally belongs to us only, not just Mugabe and his Zanu PF The letter Z in ZRP, ZNA, stands for Zimbabwe not Zanu PF. We cannot continue to live as if this is a private Gushungo Holdings farm and oppressed by Zanu National Army, along with Zanu Republic Police. With time all will be well, but thats no excuse for living in fear and silence. Tsvangirai has called for mass protest against Mugabe. Lets all see beyond Tsvangirai and his party or any leader and his party. We all need to realise that the fight is for the motherland, for our children and descendants and therefore, if you are Zimbabwean, irrespective of whether or not you are Black, White, Coloured, Ndebele, Shona, MDC, MDC T, Mavambo, Zapu or even disillusioned Zanu PF, now is the time to pull together. Lets put aside our differences, fight together in a United Democratic Front against a common enemy, which is that which stands in the way of peace, democracy, justice, equality and prosperity for all. Its not rocket science that this is the root cause of all our suffering and it is Mugabe and his Zanu PF. Working together to settle this does not mean we support any particular opposition, just re establishing some semblance of normalcy and then we can revert back to our corners and settle our own battles in a free and fair election environment after putting in place credible electoral reforms. When injustice becomes law, every citizen has an obligation to defy it. Maybe the few images added, showing some injuries sustained by famous Zimbabwes cadres of democracy on the verge of death after succumbing to harm inflicted by Mugabe and his Zanu PF for speaking up for us, will help jog our memories and put us in a better place to settle this endless crisis. Its all in our hands. .......Wake up Zimbabwe! Beyond that...erm....I shall not speak! Have your say. Thank you,....Sibusiso Ngwenya.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 10:38:06 +0000

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