ZIONIST INFLUENCE ARE TRAVELLING EVERYWHERE, IN YOUR DOOR!!. MUSLIMS WHY THEY MUST (IT’S WAJIB) UNDERSTAND AL-QUR’AN ARABIC LANGUAGE. THE PURPUSE ARE…. Today None Muslim Clerics have smartly studied the Quran & have systematically taken out of context verses detrimental to Muslims and use it to demonize Islam, demonize Muslims, bring animosity among none Muslim friends of Muslims thus diving friends, blocking education, economy , denying the right for housing and to live a peaceful life by denying the basic fundamental relatively secured life that is due to all people. But have craftily carved out the community beneficial system of theory, and practical and have now included it as a part of their doctrine and successfully implementing on their communities by forming financial community trusts, and using such trust to investments in farms , Hotel chains , transport industries ,construction Industries and Energy . The Profits are used; mainly to build low cost housing, set up micro industries, enterprises, health services ,help people in debts , education , providing financial aid for fighting legal cases and funeral services. And what do Muslims do >? Sad – They have left the Holy Qur’an a side, it is today only used to recite, even if the reciter does not understand a single word. (No offence) Where ever you hear Muslims in general, including the community members, Clerics and scholars, weather on Social media, TV. Radio, privately organized bayans, and Jummahs. All they talk about is tradition , and passing judgment that the suffering of Muslims is because they are not good and practicing Muslims, without even knowing the individuals personally – but most of them do not want to use the enormous resources available in hand to uplift the Muslims. It Seems the None Muslims have beaten us. While being the second largest religious community in the world, we also have one of the world’s largest poor population, totally neglected , The Poor Muslims do not need charity what the need is opportunity , sadly if more poor new reverts come into our community they will only find life harder, I do not have to go into details, I sincerely pray that our Young Muslims will wake up and stop wasting time on petty issues as how long a beard must be , etc, and concentrate first in uplifting the community or we are going to regret it very much and it may be too late, (God forbid). Already poverty and persecution have robbed millions of Muslims from Islam. Hasbiy-Allaahu wa Nima Al-Wakeel Allah is Sufficient for me, and He is the Best Trustee In the al-Quran, there were recounted stories of previous nations destroyed by Allah because they disobeyed his messengers and ignored his laws. Many nations that were destroyed and some until today, the ruins can still be seen as reminder to mankind and as proofs on what were revealed by the al-Quran. Salamun qawlan min rabbin Raheem, Salamun qawlan min rabbin Raheem….!!. Peace: a word from a Merciful Lord. I leave it to Allah swt . all the attacks 7 lies spread by my own Muslim brothers and sisters ,may He forgive them and give them Hidayat . Allah swt knows my Intentions and my heart ,that is all that ,matters & no one except Allah swt , can stop me from spreading my good intentions toward the community’s good ,so oh Allah be my witness ,you are the best as a witness . Wassalamu’alaikum…
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 21:06:23 +0000

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