Zahra L Soltani sent me a message - Go wish Obama a Happy - TopicsExpress


Zahra L Soltani sent me a message - Go wish Obama a Happy Birthday................ SO I DID! You should be ashamed of yourself! In your inaugural speech, which I thought was absolutely magnificent, the hope you offered seemed so genuine even I believed It hook, line & sinker! If anyone back then would have told me your tenure as President would not just be more disastrous the GW Bushs but INFINITELY WORSE, I would have thought that person was completely off their trolly! Well, I can honestly say Id have bet my shirt this could not possibly happen & Id have lost everything! Thank you for making the world a far more dangerous place. However, Im no fool. Firstly, only imbeciles arent cognizant of the fact RON PAUL on both occasions would have slaughtered you had the Presidential elections not been rigged from top to bottom by the dual national Zionists & their Diebold counting machines THAT CANT COUNT! In fact Ron Paul would have won the last election by the biggest landslide in history. The American people have not just been robbed financially by the Zionists! These people are sucking the very lifeblood out of what once was a truly great nation. I know because I lived in America for a year & your people are great people. Your standing in the world has plummeted because of them & now theyre rigging your elections so your people have no say at all! America has been poisoned by the ungodly influence, bribery, coercion, call it what you like, at the hands of the master manipulators, the Zionists. I know full well they are responsible for just about all the shit going on in the world. Theyre calling the shots but no one must ever know this! They did 9/11 - ITS OBVIOUS because their media refused to investigate! They virtually control your foreign policy because they own your politicians. They get away with it because they also own the entire mainstream media! In fact such is their power America is destroying itself by helping the most racist, evil, deluded people on the planet! Back in 2001 that vermin Netanyahu said “ONCE WE SQUEEZE ALL WE CAN OUT OF THE UNITED STATES, IT CAN DRY UP & BLOW AWAY! Well let me say - he could well get his wish sooner rather than later! The thing is I am convinced if youd have had your way, youd have done your level best to deliver on all your promises. This is the tragedy of it all & even though anyone with a modicum of common sense has to be absolutely distraught with whats transpired, I nevertheless argue that such is the power of the Zionists, US Presidents as well as our pathetic puppet Cameron in the UK, those awful little specimens Harper & Hollande & many others, HAVE TO DO WHAT THE ZIONISTS WANT! As a result we see the most barbaric massacres occurring in Gaza & Ukraine where two Zionist lunatics are pulling the strings & we have a Zionist controlled media not just covering up these blatant violations of international law but are lying through their back teeth to portray the hapless victims as the terrorists! You could have gone down in history as one of the best Presidents! Im sure the only way that can happen is if you had used the NDAA & locked up all the Dual National Zionists. Then you could conduct a proper investigation of 9/11 where in no time for Americans, therell be a dawning realization that the Zionists have committed the most unspeakable crimes! Only one country has gained from 9/11 - ISRAEL! The end result of this outrageous lie has been the destruction of every country Israel did not see eye to eye with. WHY DO YOU THINK THEY PLANNED & EXECUTED 9/11? THIS IS WHAT THEY WANTED! Your administration has inflicted incalculable damage on countless millions of people, all of who were guilty of NOTHING! Shame on you. Dont sacrifice your country. Do not antagonize the Russians any more! They are not your enemy - ISRAEL IS! The Russians have done nothing & you know it - WE ARE THE BASTARDS - NOT THEM! Stop this madness now; even if it means you may have to fall on your sword! You should not have taken this job if you werent prepared to die for your country! I cannot believe you want to go down in history as the worst nightmare ever but the way youre going its hard to see how anyone could surpass this calamity youve been integral in creating! Dearie me! I know you dont want to do this! I know you know the people pushing you are complete maniacs! Come on. Do the right thing for Christ sake! Happy Birthday Mr. President.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 21:35:11 +0000

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