Zal hadnt been around the crew much. He always used the excuse - TopicsExpress


Zal hadnt been around the crew much. He always used the excuse that he was too busy in the armory or that he was fixing some boards in Engineering. In truth, he didnt know why. He just felt extremely excluded. He hadnt felt right ever since the incident on Omega right before his sister saved him from certain death. He felt like he was always being watched, stalked, spied on. He swore, he could hear their voices still shouting commands just before the explosion. Tasi! Get some fire on that street corner! KORIS! GET DOWN! Everybody down! Incoming! Zal! Down! Now! Zal remembered the feeling of getting shove into the ground and looking up and watching his squadmate and friend get holes punched in him as the Batarians fired into him. Zal remembered hearing his friends death rattle just before the vehicle they were behind went up in flames and exploded as a missile crashed into it. All of it happening within a space of 7 seconds. 7 long seconds. The flashback ended and Zal sat outside the ships armory, slouched against the wall, hugging his head to his chest. He opened his eyes and looked around with blurry vision. Wonderful, Im going insane... He mumbled miserably as he wiped his eyes and put his helmet on and attempted to get his breathing under control. He didnt succeed at it either.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 07:11:07 +0000

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