Zayn/Niall imagine “Hey mom…?” You called, popping your - TopicsExpress


Zayn/Niall imagine “Hey mom…?” You called, popping your head into the kitchen. “What is it sweetie?” “Can I sleepover at Zayn’s place?” “Just you and Zayn, alone….” Your mom became suspicious. “What? No! The boys are going to be there too!” “One girl and five guys? Sweetie I don’t-” “Pleeeease?” You begged. “(Y/N)-” “Mom, it’s a three day weekend and I have nothing to do at home!” Your mom sighed and shook her head. “Ask your father.” “Are you saying yes?” You crossed your fingers in hopes of a yes from her. She nodded her head and you squealed in excitement. “But you need to ask your father.” “I’m on it.” You ran out of the kitchen to go upstairs into your room to text your dad. *Can I sleepover at Zayn’s place this weekend? The other boys are going too. I promise I won’t do anything you won’t allow. Please?* *Sure.* “MOOOOOOOM!” You yelled. “WHAAAAT????” She yelled back. “DAD SAID I CAN GO!” “ALRIGHTY!” You jumped out of bed and took out your travel bag. You packed everything you needed for the weekend. Saturday “Mom it’s already one in the afternoon, can you drop me off?” You asked, dragging your bag. “What do you have packed? Jesus Christ, (Y/N)!” Your dad exclaimed. “Clothes, duh.” “Hold on sweetie, let me clean the dishes.” “We have a dishwasher for a reason, mom.” “Don’t sass your mother young lady.” “Sorry.” You apologized. 1:30 PM -DING DONG- Zayn opened the door and the minute you walked into the house, the boys ran towards you to give you a hug. “Hi boys!” You said out of breath. “So what are we going to do?” Niall asked. Everyone looked at Zayn, including you. “I don’t know.” Zayn shrugged. “You’re the one that invited us to sleepover.” Harry said. “Let’s eat.” Niall remarked. “We always eat!” Louis complained. “It’s true.” Liam agreed. “But that’s the fun about sleeping over isn’t it?” You asked, taking Niall’s side. You stood next to him and linked arms, proud of your desicion. “I haven’t eaten yet.” Harry grabbed his stomach. “Then let’s eat.” Zayn shrugged and the six of you strolled into the kitchen. Niall opened every cupboard and sighed. “What’s wrong Niall?” You asked. “There are no snacks!” “Don’t you want lunch instead of a snack?” “I guess.” “I can cook.” You told the boys. “Yay!!!” They all cheered. “I love your cooking, (Y/N)!” Louis yelled. —- You walked into the dining room with a big bowl and laughed. The boys were already seated. Napkins as bibs, knife in one hand, fork in the other, and they all smiled widely. “You guys are weird.” You put the bowl in the middle and they began serving themselves. “This is amazing!” Liam complimented after swallowing a bite of the chicken breast. “Thanks.” 10 minutes later “Thanks for the lunch (Y/N).” Liam hugged you after you washed the dishes. “No problem.” “Now what???” Niall asked. “Well, it’s only 3:30…we can go somewhere?” Louis said. “Where?” Harry asked. “The park?” Zayn suggested. “Nah.” You all said. “How about the mall?” You said, looking at the boys. “We can watch a movie!” Niall added. “If we’re going to watch a movie then we can just stay in. Zayn has a shelf of movies.” Liam reminded. “Right.” Niall said a bit bum. Everyone was seated at the couch, popcorn bucket on the coffee table. “What movie should we watch?” Zayn asked, scanning the shelf. “How about a scary movie?” Harry advocated. “It’s too bright to watch a scary movie now.” Louis reminded. “Fine.” Harry pouted. “Don’t worry, Harry, we’ll watch a scary movie when it gets darker. For now, we’ll watch a romantic comedy.” Zayn grabbed ‘50 first dates’ off the shelf and popped it into the DVR. “I love this movie!” You sat up and grabbed a handful of popcorn. Niall was sat on your right and Zayn took a seat on your left. 7 PM After one romantic comedy movie and one action, it was getting dark. “TIME FOR A SCARY MOVIE!!” Harry announced. Harry hopped off the couch and decided to choose a movie himself. He popped the disc in and pressed play. “What movie is this?” You asked. “Exorcist.” Harry plopped back onto the couch next to Louis and Liam. “This is scary!” You shouted. “That’s the whole point, (Y/N).” Louis chuckled. “Ughh.” You groaned. Ten minutes into the movie, you were already hiding even though nothing scary has happened. You hands were rested on Niall’s chest and your head in the nook of his neck. “Nothing has happened.” Niall explained. “Shut up.” You closed your eyes, trying to look away from the screen. “Look, (Y/N).” Niall said. You opened your eyes and looked at the screen. “See? It’s not scar-” “AHHHHH!” You screamed. You threw yourself against Niall and he ended up laughing. “That’s not funny, Niall!” You yelled. “You’re a jerk.” “But you love me anyways.” Niall smiled. Zayn overheard your conversation and cleared his throat and coughed. “You should get some water, Zayn.” You said. “Will you come with me?” “Mm…no thanks.” You said. “Why not?” “I’m scared.” “You’re with me, you have no need to be scared.” You sighed and got off the couch. “Fine.” Zayn stood up and you linked your arm with his, staying close to him as possible. He got a cup and poured some water. “You’ve been acting weird lately.” You said. “No I haven’t.” “Yes, you have.” “How so?” “I don’t know. You’re just not yourself. Is there something?” Zayn placed the cup onto the table and sighed. “I fancy you, (Y/N). Okay? There. I said it.” “Fancy?” “It means that I like you.” “You like me?” “Yes. I do.” You shifted uncomfortably and cleared your throat. “I-I think we should go back into the living room.” You suggested. You walked back, Zayn behind you. You sat back in your seat and Niall shot you a smile. “You okay?” He muttered. “Yeah. I’m good.” You whispered back. After 3 horror films, it finally hit midnight. “We forgot to eat dinner!” Niall complained. “Midnight snacks?” You asked. “Ooh. What are you making this time?” Louis asked. “I’m not going to make anything.” “Oh.” “But I brought cookies!” You shuffled to your bag and took the box out. You quickly turned around and accidentally bumped into someone. “Oops.” You looked up and it was Zayn. You gave him a smile and walked around him. You walked back into the kitchen and opened the box. You took a bite out of one and Niall ate the other half. “Hey!” You exclaimed. “Sorry.” Niall giggled. You gave him a light punch. “No one takes my cookie.” “I just did.” “Meanie.” You teased. “Hey!” Harry shouted, causing everyone to jump. “What?” Liam asked. “How about we play truth or dare?” “That’s a children’s game.” Louis said. “Nu-uh.” “Yeah-huh.” “Children, children, stop.” Liam said. “We’ll play truth or dare.” “Yes.” Harry cheered. The five of you sat on the floor in the living room as Zayn grabbed a bottle. “Since I grabbed the bottle, I get to ask first.” “Alright.” Everyone agreed. Zayn spun the bottle and it landed on Niall. “Truth or dare?” “Hm…” Niall stroked his non-existent beard. “Dare.” “I dare you to…” Zayn looked around. “Jump into the pool naked.” “But Zayn, it’s past midnight and the pool is probably freezing.” You said. “He has to do it.” Zayn growled. Niall stood up and opened the door. “Don’t look.” Niall said as he was about to take his clothes off. “We’ve all seen you naked Niall.” Louis shouted. “But not (Y/N). Turn around.” “Not yet.” Zayn mumbled to himself. Everyone turned around and closed their eyes. “Ahh!” Niall shouted as he hit the water. Luckily there was a towel on one of the chairs and he dried himself off before putting his clothes back on and coming into the house. He sat down next to you, shivering. “You okay?” You asked, ruffling his hair. “I’m fine.” “Do you need my blanket?” “He said he’s fine (Y/N).” Zayn said. “What’s wrong mate?” Niall defended. “Nothing’s wrong. Spin the damn bottle already.” You looked at Zayn and he was staring at you so you looked down at your hands. Niall spun the bottle and it landed on Liam. “Truth or dare?” “Truth.” Liam chose. “A” Everyone groaned. “Why truth?” Louis asked. “Should have chosen dare.” Harry said. “I’m not taking any chances.” “Alright, Liam. Is it true that…you have one kidney?” “I used to have one kidney.” “That was a boring question!” Louis complained. “I didn’t know what to ask…” “We already knew he had one kidney. Damn it Niall.” “Sorry…” Niall apologized. Liam spun the bottle and it landed on Zayn. “Dare.” Zayn said. “Oh well…I dare you to….” Liam thought, tapping his chin. “Give Louis a lap dance.” Harry gave Liam a look. “Oh Jesus.” Louis groaned. “Out of all the possibilities you dare Zayn to give me a lap dance?” “Mhm.” Liam nodded. Zayn got up and walked towards Louis. As he was giving Louis a lap dance, everyone was cheering. “Okay stop Zayn!” Louis shouted. He covered his face with his hands and pretended to cry. “Don’t act like you didn’t like it.” Niall said, laughing like crazy. Harry looked over at Niall. Zayn spun the bottle and it landed on Harry. “Harry, truth or dare?” “Dare.” “I dare you to…lick Niall’s foot.” “What???” “Do it.” “But it smells!” “You chose dare.” Louis patted Harry’s lap. “Fine.” Harry whined. Niall lifted his foot up and Harry gulped before licking it. “Ew” You said in disgust. “THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!” Harry yelled. “I need water!!!” He ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. “Ugh.” He groaned as he sat back down with a full glass. “It’s okay.” Louis said, rubbing Harry’s back. “Everyone went already right?” Liam asked. “No. (Y/N) hasn’t.” Niall pointed out. “Oh right.” Harry decided to not spin the bottle and asked, “Truth or dare?” “Um….truth.” You panicked. “Is it true that you like Zayn?” “Ooooh.” Louis said. You looked at Zayn and he avoided your eyes. “No…” You said, he looked up at you. “I don’t like Zayn.” You confirmed. “Then who do you like?” Niall asked. “She likes you.” Zayn said. You and Niall looked at him. “What?” Niall asked. He looked at you. “You like me?” You slowly nodded your head. “If you don’t like me I understand.” You murmured. “I wouldn’t like myself either…” “(Y/N)….I like you too.” “Y-you do?” Niall nodded his head. He leaned in and gave you a passionate kiss. “I love sleepovers.” Liam said. ~~~~~ I’ve finally posted a long imagine. You have no idea how glad I am because of that. I hope you guys liked this. :) x
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:14:04 +0000

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