Zionist terrorists target journalists with death threats By Kevin - TopicsExpress


Zionist terrorists target journalists with death threats By Kevin Barrett Jewish Defense League (JDL). In September 2001, George W. Bush explained: They hate our freedoms. Bush, of course, was lying. Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda never hated freedom. They saw themselves as freedom fighters. But Bushs lie went deeper than that. At the same time Bush was intoning they hate our freedoms, Bin Laden was repeatedly explaining that he had nothing to do with 9/11: I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children, and other people. Even the crazed Takfiri terrorists of ISIL – who were expelled from al-Qaeda for being too extreme – do not hate freedom. But there is one terrorist group that does hate freedom of speech and freedom of the press. That group is the ultra-Zionist Jewish Defense League (JDL). (Many Jews are horrified that this vicious terrorist group uses the name Jewish in its title – in the same way that Muslims are horrified that ISIL references Islam to justify its barbarities.) Earlier this month the JDL issued a terrorist death threat to Canadian Press TV correspondent Joshua Blakeney. An email from the Jewish Defense League threatened to respond with extreme prejudice to Blakeneys journalistic critiques of Zionism. The phrase extreme prejudice is a well-known euphemism for assassination. The JDL was threatening Blakeney with cold-blooded murder. Why? Because it did not like his reporting. These are terrorists who really do hate our freedoms. Then this week the JDL targeted another North American journalist, Tom Mysiewicz. His crime? Publishing an article unveiling the truth about the Iraq war. Mysiewiczs article was headlined Iraq: The real strategy is about to succeed. In the article, Mysiewicz explains: With the Kurdish seizure of Kirkuk—effectively asserting control of much of the country’s oil wealth for their Israeli patrons—and conquest of Sunni areas by ISIL/ISIS/Takfiri elements (enriched by a curious $450-million bank heist and much “captured” American-supplied military equipment) I contend that the real goal of the Iraq invasion and Israeli/Anglo-American policy is about to be realized—the partition of Iraq. The Israelis have long yearned to Balkanize the Middle East by smashing that regions nations into small, powerless pieces. The Oded Yinon plan to fragment the Middle East, echoed in the 1990s by Netanyahus Clean Break document, led directly to the 9/11 neocon-Zionist coup détat. The September 11th shock-and-awe coup was designed to hijack Americas military and destroy the last remaining independent Mideast nations on behalf of global Zionism. Will I get a JDL death threat simply for stating such a plain and obvious truth? Like Joshua Blakeney, Tom Mysiewicz was threatened with extreme prejudice. Then the JDL followed up with a second email, promising: We will be bringing the justice that you deserve to your doorstep. Mysiewicz received the two JDL death threats shortly after appearing on Truth Jihad Radio. During our interview, he explained that he had been run out of a very successful career in biotechnology journalism for reporting on Israeli-linked abuses including organ trafficking. The Zionists used every means at their disposal, including terrorizing his customers and colleagues, to destroy Mysiewiczs livelihood. And now they are threatening to destroy his life. Why does the ultra-Zionist JDL hate our freedoms – especially freedom of the press? A genuinely free press fearlessly seeks the truth. And Zionism cannot bear the truth about itself. The Zionists are masters of the Big Lie. They are expert myth-makers. The truth is their mortal enemy. If Americans and Europeans knew the full truth about Zionism and the power it wields, they would tear it limb from limb. If they knew about the Zionist role in inciting wars, the Zionist domination of the banking system and the economy, the Zionist cultural war against Christianity and Islam, and the Zionist genocide in Occupied Palestine, they would rise up and put an end to Zionism. Joshua Blakeney has exposed the truth about Zionist control of the puppet Harper regime in Canada. The Zionists cannot allow this truth to be uttered in public. So they sent Blakeney a death threat. Tom Mysiewicz has exposed the real origins of the Iraq war. The Zionists fear this truth even more. If the full truth about 9/11 and the 9/11 wars is exposed, Americans might bomb Tel Aviv back to the Stone Age. This is not my opinion. It is the considered opinion of Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies at Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College. The extreme Zionists see truth as a mortal threat. So they threaten to kill the messenger. We need to defend our freedoms against this terrorist onslaught. When journalists are threatened or (God forbid) harmed, every other journalist should draw as much attention to the issue as possible. Attempts to silence journalists should meet with the exact opposite of silence: maximum exposure. If the journalistic community creates a hue and cry every time a journalist is threatened, all journalists will be safer. And today, even readers can help. By forwarding this article (and the work of Blakeney and Mysiewicz) to all your friends, and sharing and liking it on social media, you can help protect these brave journalists – and discourage the terrorists who are trying to silence them. KB/AB presstv/detail/2014/06/25/368569/zionist-terrorists-target-journalists-with-death-threats/
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 12:21:22 +0000

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