Zodiac readings for 7th, November, 2014… (I want all of you - TopicsExpress


Zodiac readings for 7th, November, 2014… (I want all of you to read your signs with a relaxed mind and read it 2-3 times to get the profound message and be able to read between the lines. Then I am sure you will get the divine message related to your day) ARIES : Dig deep for inspiration and truth. Now is the time to become resilient and adaptable. Is your life presenting you with opportunities that yield no results ? You are required to reserve your energies till everything gets normal. This is not the time to swim in the opposite direction. Discover answers from deep within. TAURUS : The world is a reflection of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. We are all work in progress so a detached self examination with deep honesty is needed to be worked upon now. Your unique service to the world is not required and celebrated. See the love within you. Act with confidence to be successful. GEMINI : You are in the process of deep and beautiful change. You are required to release your old ideas and embrace a necessary change so that you can live your best life. There will be some loss involved but you will love what you will become. May be you will have to let go of your low self worth or a dream that was dear to you. CANCER : You are safe and secure. Asking for help isnt easy for many successful people. But that is what you have to do to expand your life. If you find yourself troubled you can expect help with whatever issue you have at hand. Most important support you can expect is from spirits. Ask and you shall receive. LEO : Your soul knows best, be still and observe. Remain neutral to what happens around you and inside you. When you will observe everything from the point of view as a third person your life will change forever. You have the capacity to see things clearly now. Everything is well let miracles fold on it’s own time. VIRGO : You are being invited to stop and savor the wonders of your life. Becoming stuck is sometimes the only way to trick yourself into slowing down and look around you. Now is not the time to move forward but to observe. Clarity about your circumstances will come later. Be still and know that spirit has plans for you. LIBRA : You are required to come to a decision now. You are faced with a dilemma but you must make a conscious choice regarding the next right action. Trust your intuition. You may not have all the answers now. If you remain conscious and open to divine messages then you will be able to make the right choices. SCORPIO : Loss is a part of life. Let go and allow time to heal you. Some of you may have to let go of something close to their heart, it can be a person or a long cherished dream. A better and more powerful dream will be realized in your life if you can accept the loss. Relationships based on faulty foundations are bound to collapse. SAGITTARIUS : Authenticity is the essence of power. Answer to your query lies in your circumstances. Relax and let go of your need to control the situation or people involved. Find the essential truth that underlies your situation then name it. You will discover the answers you seek. Your greatest power is your authenticity. CAPRICORN : Slow and steady wins the race. This is the time of unhurried steps and a steady heart. Trust that taking life at a leisurely pace will give you greater access to your dreams. Don’t take any hasty actions or decisions as it will not be beneficial for you. Take one step at a time and go slow. It will help you see everything deeply. AQUARIUS : You are always protected and divinely directed. Although this is the time of greater risk believe that you are divinely protected. You are able to move forward safely and securely. Your loyalty is important now. Nurture that which you hold close to your heart. This is the good time to strengthen bonds of friendships. PISCES : Your intuition allows you to see beyond mundane things. Trust your intuition to take you to places that may not seem logical. Resist second guessing yourself. Your hunches will be right on target. Spirit is sending you messages to guide you in the right direction. Success is yours if you follow signs and divine messages. God bless all. Love, Light and Peace. Namaste. Take care. Keep smiling. Chant (OM) 108 times…
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 21:40:00 +0000

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