Zuma may not be illiterate, but ha se - TopicsExpress


Zuma may not be illiterate, but ha se sethotho....hlokomela FORMER MINISTER OF INTELLIGENCE (Cde RK) versus FORMER CHIEF OF INTELLIGENCE AND HEAD OF UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES (Cde JZ) I’m going to try and put my opinion in simplest term and not use complicated style of writing approach that will make one think hard at what I’m saying. Simple terms....just Please assist me, what is the significance of being an Intelligence Head of a giant movement like the African National Congress? Can you even begin to chew over the magnitude of the responsibility and consciousness that comes with this task? I cannot even begin to grasp the expectations that are required from one when assuming that office..... If this task and responsibility thereof was placed on any intellectual’s shoulder to manage with Intelligence, brainpower and intellect, many would have had self doubts and reservations, as this would require someone who knows the ins-and-outs of the African National Congress (an academic maybe), right? Right..... =========================================================== Of all the accolades, compliments and achievements of high honour that President Jacob Zuma has accomplished in his lifetime....none come as close to receive my respect than to be the Commander/Head of the ANC Intelligence unit! Not even being the President of the Republic with having no educational background comes close to this superlative....unmatched...unsurpassed occupation of immense purpose to the Development and Growth of th African National Congress....The Intelligence of the African National Congress.... So in my (little or none knowledge) regarding the operations of the Intelligence structure of the ANC....I would want to believe that this means President Jacob Zuma has had a major role in what we see as the Powerhouse of the giant movement....the African National Congress. Am I correct? Am I also correct to believe that President Jacob Zuma (the illiterate) is part of the engine and brains that produces the Intelligence which has made the ANC to be recognised worldwide for its brilliant....high-quality.....excellent policies and modus operandi? Hmmmm, this is interesting because here we are being made to believe that this man who has been influential, prominent and NOT dominant within the being of the ANC....is nothing but an opportunistic and power hungry official who is here just to weaken and destroy the ANC....!!! Must we believe that? Why would he want to BUILD and then DISMANTLE his own labour and efforts? Who is fooling who? Somebody assists me (in simple terms please), and make me and other bedazzled citizens like me understand this CONUNDRUM.... ============================================================== IS THE SECOND TERM ELEMENT (PHINDA MSHOLOZI) CREATING THIS CONUNDRUM? Also assist me with this one......why would President JZ want to take second term in Parly as the President of the Republic? My opinion......The African National Congress was presented to Cde. JZ as an “unwell patient” bleeding very heavily. It was not in a good state of health...but he undertook to make it better from the state of health it was under....remember? Please no amnesia... I’m not sure if I should say it was in an ICU state or High Care.....but it was bleeding. And who made it bleed? Him? No!!! Who? (that’s a discussion for another day) Now as a doctor, would you honestly release a patient under your care from hospital even when it is evident that the patient has not fully recovered from the ill state they were in when they were brought under your care? No! You would not...I would not....and surely the president will certainly NOT...thus second term...simply because...the patient hasn’t fully recovered in ONE TERM and thus the doctor sees it fit to continue with medical care into the SECOND TERM....it makes sense as the damage was too big to cure in ONE TERM!!!! If President JZ would release the patient into another doctor’s hand in its state of illness....who would be blamed for its poor health? Will the incompetence be blamed on the previous doctors or the current one? You know the answer..... Because you and I know the answer....second term for the JZ is appropriate, correct? Correct. I’m glad we agree. But somebody does not agree....because they want to continue to censure and criticize the current doctor before he finishes his job. Phinda Msholozi. And now because uyaPhinda for second term, we now get to see and hear of Malume...... ============================================================== Cde Ronny Kasrils..... I don’t know Cde Ronnie Kasrils very well.(I’m still to inform myself and understand) but one or two things that I remember when this name is mentioned is the interesting controversy which arose in November 2005, when President Jacob Zuma was accused of raping a woman, known in court as Khwezi. Questions arose whether then Minister of Intelligence, Ronnie Kasrils, had a hand in Khwezi laying a charge against Zuma, which Kasrils has denied. In fact, Khwezi did speak to Kasrils before she laid her complaint at the police station. That is what comes across in my “stupefied”mind when i hear of the name Cde Ronnie Kasrils. The other thing that makes me remember Cde Malume Kasrils, is that he resigned from government following the recall of Cde Thabo Mbeki in 2008 and has clearly been disgruntled ever since. How many more Uncles like Cde Ronnie are still gonna come out in protest of “Phinda Msholozi”? How many more disgruntled individual suffering from post power radicalism are still going to show their true colours and come out of their hiding places? How many uncles and aunts are still failing to appreciate that this current leadership of vibrant and sober theorists is trying to find solutions to the challenges OF THEIR OWN CREATION. Do I sense elements of rivalry and jealousy? I STAND TO BE CORRECTED Maybe let me quote this statement by ANCYL in relation to Uncle RK on ‘SPOIL THE BALLOT CAMPAIGN” “If Comrade Ronnie is still unhappy with the outcomes of the 2007 December ANC Conference, we advise him to get psychological counselling so that he may accept the current state of the ANC and South Africa. Comrade Ronnie’s utterances and behaviour makes an un-suspecting mind start to figure-out that he was part of the core that wanted to block President Jacob Zuma from becoming the ANC President. Comrade Ronnie’s behaviour cannot be because of the love for South Africa rather it is out of jealous and hatred he has for the person of President Jacob Zuma”. Am I correct o say the YL is correct in its statement? Now tell me, how powerful, commanding and authoritative is President Jacob Zuma to stimulate such terror and frustration amongst uncles of the ANC whom are in possession of only one vote? What makes President JZ to have the pythons of this movement so restless that they even risk loosing all respect people have of them? (If they do) I want to meet this man....somebody please make it possible for Tlele Tryphina Mabena to meet president Jacob Zuma because I want to ask him, o tshwere eng se se kana-kana seo se batliwang hakana Mong’waka? Because whatever it is that you have, no one else has it!!!! But until then, help me join the ANC and Cde Gwede Mantashe in wishing Cde Uncle Ronnie Kasrils Good Luck with his “Spoilt ballot campaign”! All the best Uncle Ron and may you get what you deserve from this campaign! Ke Tlele...don’t shoot
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 11:22:41 +0000

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