""_J_A_N_A_I_ _P_U_R_N_I_M_A_"" janai purnima is know as the - TopicsExpress


""_J_A_N_A_I_ _P_U_R_N_I_M_A_"" janai purnima is know as the sacred thread festival. On this day hindu men,especially the Brahmans and chettris perform their annual change of janai, a yellow cotton string worn across the chest or tied around the Wrist of the right hand.this thread is only given to males during a lenghty and impressive religious ceremony called the ""BRATABBNDH"".THIS cord initates them into manhood and commands them to faithfuly The follow the relegion.the janai must be worn everyday of their lives from this days onwards.the ""TRIPLE CORD"" IS a symbol of body,speech and mind,and when knots are tied the wearer is supposed to gain complete control over each.this cord is changed if it becomes frayed or defiled,for example=when the wearer Touches a women in menstruation,during which she is considered""UNCLEAN"".but according to hindu rules a brahman on this day. Janai meaning=sacred Thread,and purni Meaning=purnima on the full moon,thus Pointing to the change of the thread on the auspicious full moon day. Devotees come to worship lord mahadev and to tie a knot around their wrists.on the preceding day the wearer makes himself""CLEAN"" by shaving,cutting the hair and bathing .he undergoes a partial fast,taking only one meal of foods considered to be clean.no meat,onions or Garlic.the next morning the Family priest comes to the house.the entire family gathers around him as he Reads from a holy book,performs a ceremony,which sanctifies the new thred,and Places it about the recipients neck Across the chest.in payment the priest is given foodstuffs and some money.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 05:19:15 +0000

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