a HAPPY TUESDAY to ALL...woke up in my normal state of peace and - TopicsExpress


a HAPPY TUESDAY to ALL...woke up in my normal state of peace and tranquility...what a beautiful day...but the day decided to change up my routines...went to go outside to greet the day, only to have the cat run in for her treat...but not alone...she had some animal in her mouth that was screaming...so in she run and I yell...no...and try to take it away from her...but she had different ideas for it and took off running...so off running I go hoping she does not drop it and it runs off somewhere and hide...so down the hall, through the kitchen and into the living room we go...ahhhh she stops near the chair and I rush to catch her...WHAM...right little toe hits the coffee table and I just let out this OUCH...well that was enough to scare her and right to the door she runs...WITH her present for me...thank you...so off to the kitchen to start my coffee and get ice for my throbbing toe...thank goodness it is warm here, for I wear crocs when working and I dont think I could get shoes or boots on today...at least I dont think it is broken...just OUCH...oh well everything happens for a reason...maybe I need to slow down...well coffee is done...so get my favorite cup...across the sink to the coffee pot...and...CRAP...missed judged and cup nicked faucet...slipped out of my hand...and shattered in the sink into 3 pieces...I am like...SERIOUSLY...I have had that cup for like 10 years...so clean it up and look for another cup...new cup is not as big...so now I am on second cup of coffee, which would only be my first with the other cup...so extra up and down with toe sticking out to side...great...oh well everything happens for a reason...decided I wanted to take a picture of the fish tank...this morning it is so bright and clean and the goldfish are swimming back and forth...grab my IPAD...click it on...but noooo...battery is dead...REALLY...ok...cat with animal screaming...thats one...kick table...thats 2...broke my cup...thats 3...now dead battery...thats 4...enough is enough...yes things happen for a reason...but not 4 all in a period of 45 minutes...I quit...this happy go lucky person gives up...back to bed...today is not a day for me...and thats it...so dont expect my happy face to be anywhere out in public today...and if you do see me and make the mistake to ask how I am...expect a different John...the pie in the sky attitude has left the building...so today when your out...dont pass on smiles...dont pass on hellos...dont belly laugh...put on your crabby face and see how many people you can piss off...it is time to get a grip on how the world really is....and while your gripping it...just remember...APRIL FOOLS...ha...Ha...HA...
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 11:09:02 +0000

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