a few weeks ago at the bentley blockade benefit in byron (thats a - TopicsExpress


a few weeks ago at the bentley blockade benefit in byron (thats a lot of bs), the aunties and uncles gifted me a yellow black cockatoo feather. they told me to carry this feather as it represents the coming of the rain as well as a time where the waters will nourish in a spiritual drought. and so my first evening here in israel last night i met with some local musicians in a once bomb shelter now turned studio/rehearsal space...and it began to rain. and it hasnt stopped all night. and i cant help but think from one desert Technicolor highway to the next this feather and my intention to dedicate this years music to the water has something to do with it. today is show day for me. and theres some politics around what to do with the festival as it is supposed to continue to downpour here and many families are in debate about attending. i woke this morning with a sense of gratitude for lono and the water gods for feeding the parched earth and a strong belief that the show must go on ( wow, words from my musical days ha!) and this land and community will get properly dosed and nourished with these songs and stories i have traveled to share - these boots are still covered in oka and red clay and i intend to smother them today in mud and soil and we will gather in the grey overcast skies and be cleaned and filled. after all, it WILL wash away. with cinnamon and osha and cedar and bears blood i come. thanks uncle Doug Goodfeather. the land of milk and honey is about to get a lickin from the bear. lets do this baby. hoka. xo
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 06:37:57 +0000

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