africaumoja Hi Brethren, I lived in Ghana for 14 years as a - TopicsExpress


africaumoja Hi Brethren, I lived in Ghana for 14 years as a Lecturer in Metallurgy at Kumasi University and learnt a lot about the Ghanaian or rather general African culture. You have rich culture based upon God but these white people full of Greed have exploited you and they have started the social clubs in the names of Churches that create sectarian riots. If you are faithful to your tribal elders and go by your responsible Chiefs, then you would avoid the awful sectarian riots as you see them in the M.East and will see in the East as well. I have written a general article on Peace. Remember that circumcision is the TRIBAL MARK OF ABRAHAM TO HIS REAL SON ISAAC AND HIS SEED. Slaves bought with money cannot be the seed of Isaac. Jews corrupted the Old Testament and as well the New. African have rich culture in Jesus and stick to it. Beware of these HIRELING DOG-COLLARED PRIESTS CREATED BY THE WESTERN CHRISTIANITY OF MAMMON. In Jesus, we enjoy Fellowship of the solitary, who give their own accounts to God. Here is the article and some Youtube Videos:- PEACE FOR SONS OF MAN People seeking Peace ignore the very first basic principle of religion (Be a son of Man) then they hypocritically blame religion for all the troubles of the world. Both Christ (Satguru) Nanak Dev Ji and Christ Jesus stressed that do not forget your tribal identity if you want to lead an honourable life but people severe their covenants with their tribal elders and resort to sectarian riots. Christ Jesus said, “Every plant (person) that my heavenly father (Yahweh/Brahma) did not plant (who changes his tribal identity) shall be uprooted along with the roots (shall be killed along with his supporters)”. Christ Nanak Dev Ji said the same, “ BEEO BEEJ (people who do not forget their tribal identity) PATT LAE GAYAE (shall live with their honour intact); ABB KEUN UGHWAE DAAL (people without their tribal identity are shameless people and “shame” being the base of religion, they cannot be sons of God but that of the Satan). Now, the Chosen People are the demonstration nation (or the nation of Priests) of the world and they are presenting a living example of this first basic principle. Thus, both the Palestinians of Ishmael and the chosen people of Isaac hail from the same Semitic root stock of Abraham but at present both of them are unfaithful to their tribal elder Abraham who was neither a Jew nor a Mohammedan but a Semite by flesh or outwardly. Religion is a matter of the “heart” and not of the physical body in that St. Paul stressed “A Jew is one who is inwardly and not outwardly”. So, when the Jews become Jews of the physical body and not of the heart, then they severe their covenant with Abraham. The same applies to the Palestinians who have become Mohammedans of the physical body. On severing your covenant with your tribal elders, you are no more a son of Man but a son of Satan. Jesus in the Parable of wheat and tares (Matt.13 – 24-30) describes the nature of these two. Farmer (Yahweh) sowed good seed (sons of Man), the wheat plants but Satan came at night (religious darkness) and planted his own, the tares. In the morning the Angels, the people who are perfect in the moral laws, reported this to the Farmer and asked his permission to uproot the tares but the Farmer said, “No. Leave them alone and when the End of the Age comes I will bundle them up and burn them before I would ask my wheat plants to bring in the fruit of their labour”. So, Israel is the place where the tares are getting bundled up and they are burning and killing each other as expected of the sons of Satan. It was these clever sons of Satan that John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah, the ANGEL OF ISRAEL refused to baptise in the name of Abraham and He rather called them the brood of vipers. He baptised simple minded people, “stones” into the sons of Abraham and when the first Bishop of the Church of God Angel Stephan stressed this crucial point to the Temple Priests that we have Abraham as our fore father, and then they put fingers in their ears and ground their teeth to kill him for making them faithful to Abraham. He was stoned to death as expected of the brood of the vipers. It were these sons of Satan who went for their own kind, the robber Barabbas and the death of Christ Jesus who had turned the sons of Abraham, “salt of the earth”, into the sons of Most High God, the Saints. Thus, the sons of Abraham praised Christ Jesus for his benevolent works whilst the sons of Satan, the Temple Priests and their stooges, faithful dogs, supported the clever robber of their own type who did not let them cook their food during the great siege of Jerusalem. After the death of the first Administrator Angel Stephen and St. James, the Just, next Administrators were sycophants of the type of Matt.12.v43-45, the arid sacked Temple Priests seeking green pastures; they became immoral and brought into the Church of God Jewish leaven the deadly rotten Torah to attract their old Temple customers. Apostles, mostly Gentile, were thrown out of the Churches and they were killed by throwing before the animals alive under Emperor Constantine fulfilling the Saying, Light came among His own but they preferred Darkness to Light for their Satanic deeds. Thus, the Baptism of water in the name of Abraham vanished and it has been replaced by this new Baptism in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which John, the Baptist said will be performed by one coming after Him, much Mightier than him. Corrupt Bishops let the Jewish practices of prayer and fasting called Jewish leaven flourish in the dead Churches and the Apostles rebuked them for their malpractices and immorality. The Bishops revolted by telling the Apostles to either preach what they liked or stop visiting their Churches. The Apostles being the Labouring sons of God told the Bishops that their praises lie with God and not with you corrupt Bishops or people. They stopped visiting those corrupt Churches and most of them opened their own Monasteries. But when the corrupt Bishops gained political importance, then the Romans took advantage of them. The Bishops supplied the soldiers and glorified them whilst the Romans helped them to kill those Monks who were criticising them. Then the corrupt Bishops plied the dead “letters” of the Bible through presbyters and by 350 A.D., they were so blind to spirit that in their non-sense Nicene Creed, a strait jacket for the blind, they declared that Christ died and rose on the third day. Now, Christ is the Word that was in the beginning and lived among us in the name of Jesus. Christ being the Light, it is to make a fool of yourself to proclaim your Christship to the spiritually blind people. Thus, Christ Jesus had the pleasure to do so to the spiritually enlightened Samaritan woman at the well, St.Photina who told Jesus that you are a Prophet. Such spiritually advanced Solitary Virgin is called by the blind men of “letters” an immoral woman whilst she had overpowered the Five temptations of the heart that are well-known in the Punjab. They are KAAM, immorality, KARODHH, anger displayed by a once-born person, LOBHH, greed, MOH, worldly temptations and finally the HANKAAR, getting big-headed after knowing the spiritual knowledge. She had overpowered all these Five temptations of heart. Such corrupt Bishops and Popes went for the atrocities of Mammon rather than the service of God and created great havoc in society worse than that created by the Temple Priests, the brood of vipers. In a nutshell, Jesus came to do the Will of our Father, Insh Allah and not his own, Insh Jesus but the Popes started to do their own wills through “edicts”, Insh Popes and instead of serving people they became their cruel Lords in the name of our serving Elder Brother Christ Jesus. Today, the people carry Holy Books like the super donkeys and when they are asked simple questions, they are unable to answer. Spiritual Principles, the Word is discussed in the light of logical reasoning such as if God is Spirit, then how could He create Adam and Eve or the beautiful women as rewards for those who die during the Jihad or Insh Mullahs? In the Shariah-Free Islam of Allah, Sun, it is INSHALLAH that dominates and not Insh Popes, Mullahs, Akal Takht Jathedars, etc., the sons of Satan. This is the Age of Islam and so every one of us has to give his own account to God or Allah (Al-ilah, the Father). Anyone who imposes his own will (edict or Fatwa) or pretends to be an agent or guide of God is an anti-Christ. God being Spirit, only the sensible people of spirit enjoy the freedom and the Gospel of God. Thus, in God we have the Preachers, the sowers of His Word and not the moral teachers drunk with the “old wine” of the “letters”. Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = Gospel GOD IS LOVE AND SERVICE WHILST SATAN IS HATRED, KILLING AND BURNING. THIS IS THE AGE OF NOT “SINS” BUT OF THE HYPOCRITES, THE LIARS AND THE BLASPHEMERS. FIRST KNOW WHAT YOU “SEE”, JESUS AND THEN WHAT IS NOT SEEN, CHRIST, WOULD BE REVEALED TO YOU. SO, UNLESS A FEMALE BECOMES A “MALE”, SHE CAN NOT ENTER INTO THE ROYAL KINGDOM OF GOD. IN JESUS, WE ARE “FISHERS” OF MEN CAPABLE OF RENEWING OUR “INNERMAN”, THE CHRIST. “HOLY SPIRIT” (COMMON SENSE) SHATTERS THE FETTERS OF THE “LETTERS” (HOLY BOOKS) Ask Seek Knock For further information, please visit my website and watch my Youtube Videos:- Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc. Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy More you spend His Treasures, preach Gospel, more you please Father to receive more. Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = Gospel For articles on Sister Christian and Sikh communities, visit: - homepage.ntlworld/rajinder.nijjhar/sikhism.htm homepage.ntlworld/rajinder.nijjhar/trinnut.JPG homepage.ntlworld/rajinder.nijjhar/pdbook.pdf Produced over 4000 Youtube Videos on Interfaith + Documentary:- https://google/video/upload/Status?hl=en-GB Videos by a Cuban worth watching how Messianic Jews killed Christianity:- St. Photina, an article by a Russian Bishop:- homepage.ntlworld/rajinder.nijjhar/photina.htm Hajj is for boys 12 to 16 years old to make them faithful to their tribal fathers, Ilah:- youtube/my_playlists?pi=0&ps=20&sf=&sa=0&sq=&dm=0&p=FB77A1AC2FB499CE ATOMIC WAR SHOULD TAKE PLACE WHEN ISRAEL IS 70 YEARS OLD. ISRAEL WILL ATTACK A COUNTRY MAKING ATOMIC BOMBS AND THEN REAL TRIBULATIONS LEADING TO FINAL ATOMIC WAR. MY LECTURES/TALKS ARE GIVEN “FREE”. IF SOMEONE WANTS TO MAKE A DOCUMENTARY, I CAN RENDER HELP. Here is a video that I made on Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, Morsi of Egypt:- https://youtube/watch?v=YMizZQy4fjM The Tribal Mark of Circumcision is for the Chosen People ONLY and NOT FOR THE GENTILES:- https://youtube/watch?v=MSW9q7ZvYlA https://youtube/watch?v=0NbJL19bQMQ PLEASE DO NOT TAKE MONEY WHEN YOU PREACH GOSPEL OTHERWISE GOD WILL NOT GIVE YOU GOSPEL FREE BUT MAMMON, THE FALSEHOODS THAT CREATE SECTARIAN RIOTS. Reply, Reply All or Forward | More Click to reply all
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 06:21:25 +0000

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