ah, Golden Rice, how I love thee. I mean, truly, is there anything - TopicsExpress


ah, Golden Rice, how I love thee. I mean, truly, is there anything else that illustrates the idiocy of the pro-GM argument so well? Whats even better is watching a Tory use it to put the smack down on another Tory... especially when he makes the basic argument so plain: GM has been widely commercialised for nearly 20 years; more than enough time to prove itself. The industry behind it has powerful friends in the media and politics, and vast financial resources. Consider Californias vote last year on Proposition 37, a proposal to require labels on GM foods. The GM lobby spent $46m. Monsantos contribution alone was $8m, more than the entire pro-labelling campaign. Food campaigners can only dream of having that kind of influence. In truth, the reason GM never took off as predicted is because all those promises of cheap pest control, and crops that tolerate flood, salt and extreme weather, simply havent materialised. If they had, perhaps consumers would be willing to put niggling doubts about safety to one side. Without the success story, GM relies on hype theguardian/commentisfree/2013/oct/24/owen-paterson-minister-gm-hype
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 08:50:31 +0000

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