and remind me again who started communism? oh, that would be - TopicsExpress


and remind me again who started communism? oh, that would be zionists when they, the zionists PAID karl marx, who owns and runs the central banking system that charges interest on money they create out of thin air and create inflation whenever they want, oh, that would also be zionists, who is murdering women and children and civilians in gaza, once again that would be zionists, do you see the pattern yet, the problem with the world is there are zionists, now really, who are zionists? they say they are jews, but the hasidics say they are not jews, I am quite sure this can be very confusing to a person that says they are jewish, but historical facts remain, The Kagan of Khazar did in fact officially convert Khazar to Judaism. The controversy is over how many of the Khazari people themselves converted. There are modern day Tengrist Khazars who vehemently deny that any large scale conversion took place amongst them, and they insist it was only the nobility and courtiers who converted. However, the cultural patterns of Eastern European Jewry link them to Khazarian culture far more than diaspora Jews in Western Europe (known as the Sephardim, mostly clustering in Rome, Southern France, and Spain). The genetic studies Ive read show that OF the Khazarian bloodline Jews, that ancestry only included four women of actual Hebrew descent, the balance being Turkic blood (not from Turkey but rather Central Asia as with the many other Turkic tribes). So, for example, the Jews as portrayed in Fiddler on the Roof are extremely likely, being Russian, to have descended from Khazarian nobility and courtiers who had converted to Judaism with their Kagan (Khazar term which is the same as the Mongol, Khan). Complication: NOT ALL of the Khazarian Jews converted to Sabbateanism and Frankism when those heresies popped up. In fact Polish Jews, who were mostly Khazarian descent (one way to tell easily is those FURRY HATS which are Khazarian), remained stalwartly Torah/Rabbinical in their tradition, or Hasidic. This put them in opposition to the Frankists in Poland, and very likely provides the reason why the Frankists picked Poland as the place to carry out the Holocaust. So while not all Khazar Jews were guilty, not all were also innocent. A large majority of Russian Khazar Jews became Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution, and eagerly participated in the purges and genocides brought on by that overthrow of the Tsars power structure. In fact its very likely to be that Bolshevism that brought Russian Khazar Jews into Sabbatean/Frankism by the back door, the Communist link to Labor Zionism. German Jews were a melting pot of Khazar and Sephardic Jews, and although Ashkenazi usually refers to them, genetically the term is meaningless as it could be one or the other depending on the family. The Khazars from the East and the Sephardim from the West met in the middle there in Germany. And both had their hands full with goyim Germans trying to kill them so they were at each others throats like they were in Poland. Now who are these Khazars? It is said that The kagan did not want to convert to christianity for he would have to answer to the Pope, and he did not want to convert to islam because he would have to answer to the Caliph, so he picked judaism, and why else did he pick it? There were hardly any Hebrews left in the world hardly any,
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 22:16:02 +0000

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