as I sit hear tonight , my last with my Baby Girl, my dog of the - TopicsExpress


as I sit hear tonight , my last with my Baby Girl, my dog of the last 13 years I am very sad and right now can not think of much I am thankful for but I realize that Friday will bring a new home for my other canine buddy of the last 8 years Max , you see we have rescued in one wayt or another every single one of our animals that we have had to part with in the last week and really do not wish to but we have no choice Baby is old and is full of the dam cancer is totaly blind and can not get around vert good anymore, even at that this was not easy choice she was born into MY hands just over 13 years ago, Max we rescued from what was described to us as the hillbilly crack house, Stitch came to us via Humane society about 10 yrs ago, Tom was a stay found on our porch 6 yrs ago and is also My kitty he has been sick on and off for the last 4 or 5 months and will also be put down in the AM Piper was a stary on the streets when we took her in also 6 yrs ago Phobe came to us via the Humane society which brings us to Luckey and Charm which we are keeping they were found in a thunder storm at the foot of River ave only 2 years ago when they came to us they were no bigger than the palm of my hand and the latest one was Miley we found her dropped off on Cleveland rd at the metro park there she followed us 1 mile 1/2 mile out and 1/2 mile back then jumped into our car when we tried to leave, we have found what we think are good homes for all but Stitch but hope that will happen Friday as well as Max , lady is coming from Mansfield to meet him and I am confident she will bond well with him and give him the perfect home he needs. now this being said first I want to thank everyone who has helped us find homes but also that we are not bad pet owners only kind hearted and loving owners who have hit a bad sititionation and to anyone who thinks different piss off we have done the best we can by these beloved pets and are going though a very dificult time with this I by no means to take away from all the help everyone has been, you all know who you are, but this is the best we can do we love our animals very much and will miss all of them, but I will miss my Baby Dog the most she came into this world in my hands and in the morning she will go out in my hands and although I will be sheading many tears I know she will be waiting for my on the other side, Good bye Baby Dog I love you. Thanks again to all who have help find good homes for are beloved pets. That is all good night
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:25:16 +0000

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