at times i feel like im surrounded by people living in a stars - TopicsExpress


at times i feel like im surrounded by people living in a stars wars movie where there really is true good and evil, bad guys and good guys. it would seem almost silly and laughable that everyone around me seems to think their side pure and good and the other evil if people werent dying. how can you possibly truly believe that this long and complex history really is so black and white and see yourselves as crusaders of a truth you think no one in the world understands? how can you possibly believe that an entire population or nation is an enemy? how is it that of all my jewish friends, many of whom havent been to israel, definitely havent been to the palestinian territories and have no true connection to or knowledge of israeli foreign policy nor the reality of palestinian life are now able to spew vitriol and hatred reposting propoganda on how all palestinians are evil and that bombing civilian centers is acceptable because hamas operatives are in the vicinity and absolve israel of all responsibility for the deaths of dozens of children. what do you actually know about life in gaza? those people who are dying? if palestinians see the israeli military oppressive and occupying, killing their family members, then doesnt that make all israeli soldiers and former soldiers equal targets? everyone in israel serves in the military so the logic justifying the IDF killing innocent civilians because they are in the vicinity of hamas members can be extrapolated to hamas rockets which aim to kill israeli soldiers and veterans who are surrounded by civilians, which is basically everywhere in israel. your logic justifying attacks on civilian centers in gaza is the same logic used for rockets to israel, it doesnt hold water. how can you decry the hatred of hamas and calls for death to israel when there are so many voices in israel, including politicians in the current government and numerous soldiers who call for the death and destruction of all palestinians? how can you ever justify the killing of children? of whole families watching the world cup at a cafe? and to my muslim and arab friends, most of whom have never been to palestine or israel and know nothing at all about the conflict; most of whom have no connection whatsoever to palestinians other than a shared religion with a portion of them - how is the fact that you share a common religion an arbiter of truth on the conflict? how can you truly believe that your side is right and innocent and oppressed when you know nothing about them? is your shared religion an excuse to filter all news so that only that which is pro-palestinian is true and that which shows a darker light conveniently ignored or justified? the rampant racism and hatred for all jews - daily calls for their death and eradication rationalized because of the occupation, the justification of hundreds of rockets into civilian areas as acceptable? just because no one has been killed yet doesnt mean hundreds of rockets destroying homes and paralyzing a country are harmless or morally acceptable. i do not minimize or draw an equivalence to the destruction of an F-16, but dont pretend that they are anything but extremely lethal and destructive. what do you think can possibly be achieved with these rockets? will they seriously prevent a military with F-16s from attacking? will they scare israelis into submission? what do these attacks do other than give reason for israel to continue to view palestinians as terrorists and to justify an occupation? this bifurcation of truth for each side is preposterous. unless youre israeli or palestinian, and even then, you should not be spouting propaganda and pretending the truth is that simple. that MILLIONS of people on the other side are ALL EVIL - women, children, fathers, mothers - ALLLL EVIL because they happen to have a certain religion or ethnicity? That somehow attacking civilian centers can ever be justified - be it rockets at tel aviv and murdering teenagers or killing families of those deemed terrorists and anyone who happens to be in their vicinity including children of all ages. The true casualty of this war is any chance for peace and quiet. Palestinians recasting their struggle for peace, freedom and independence through civil disobedience and international appeal instead of terror and violence have had years worth of efforts destroyed as they are once again relegated to terrorists. Israels rare chance with a secular government to foster better relations and a possible peace destroyed through rocket fire and hatred. And worst of all, the deaths of innocent civilians, from the teenagers on both sides to casualties of bombings as someones warped idea of justified collateral damage. So please, if all you have to post is something about how everyone on the other side is evil, and how your side is the biggest victim, just shut up. the world has seen this too many times and doesnt care anymore. what do you really want obama to do, huh? what do you really want the world to do? the sad reality is that there are worse problems going on in the world and people more deserving of support than israelis and paliestinians who hate each other. the only people that can change the reality are israelis and palestinians who need to actually want peace. those on the israeli side, many of you do, but even more dont - just listen to naftali bennet, to lieberman, to habayit hayehudi, to shas to Maj.Gen. (res.) Oren Shachor, “If we kill their families, that will frighten them and to the settlers who have no desire to return any occupied land. And those of you on the palestinian side, many are tired of this war and want peace and independence and have been working so hard for it, but many dont. many are full of hatred and want blood. have a listen to whats spouted at mosques and taught to children, the praise and payments to families of those martyrs who die killing women and children. listen to 5 minutes of al-jazeera in arabic. and please tell me what can possibly be achieved by firing rockets at israel? the stupidity is mind boggling.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 04:28:52 +0000

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