being that it is my babies sixth birthday today, I would like to - TopicsExpress


being that it is my babies sixth birthday today, I would like to share her birth story with you all. october 19 2007, I had an appointment with my ob in the morning, where they did a check and told me I was a centimeter dialated, and almost fully thinned out. they told me I could be going into labor any time over the weekend, and if not we would discuss induction on Monday, although I would only be 37 weeks (I had many, many, many complications) later on that day I had my babyshower. and I remember when I was there I told my girlfriend Im having this baby tonight! Im ready, I can feel it. I went home and at about midnight I was having contractions so I called my mom and had her take me to the hospital. they put me on the monitors, did a check, and left me there until about 6 am. I was having contractions but made no progress. so they gave me a sleeping pill so I could rest, and sent me home. Well, right before i was discharged, i started getting these awful pains. I thought she had done something wrong when she did my internal. Nevertheless, we left the hospital Arty about six am. on the way home they continued, and got worse. they were about 5 mins apart. since this was my first baby, and they just told me I wasnt in active labor, I had no idea that in fact they were contractions, and I was in heavy, full blown labor. my mom drops me off at home, where I live with my sister(thank god) and she goes home after sitting with me allll night. by seven thirty I wake my sister because I am in so much pain I am screaming and crying so loud. she has three children and she knows its labor. so she calls my mom and says you have to come get crissy and take her to the hospital, shes in labor. my mom said hell no! she was just at the hospital with me overnight, and they just told us just over an hour ago that Im not in labor. she says shes going to bed, and hangs up on us. so Im running back and fourth throughout the house, screaming and crying. so about 15 minutes later, we call my mom back. by this point my contractions are about 90 seconds apart, I was in agony. so she reluctantly agrees to take me to the hospital, if I call the doctor and they say to come in. so I call the doctor, get an answering service, leave a message that its an emergency. I dont hear back for over 10 minutes, so I call back, leave another message. this time she actually calls me right back. she says we already told you your not in labor, your probably just dehydrated, drink some gatorade and take a bath. so I take a warm bath, but it doesnt help a bit. so I call back again and this time I tell her Im coming in regardless because something is very very wrong. I was so scared because I truly believed I wasnt in labor, so I literally thought I was dying. not to mention I was so confused and mentally in a daze from the sleeping pill they gave me. She got very rude and basically said come in and they could possibly give me something for pain but im not in labor. My sister called my mom and told her if she didnt come right away and bring me, she was calling an ambulance. thankfully she came. in the car I was contracting nonstop and my body began naturally pushing. we got to the hospital and parked at exactly 9 am on the dot. as soon as I stepped out of the car my water broke. I was so upset I cried because I was embarassed because I thought I peed my pants. we ran inside and I used the bathroom, and was all bloody when I wiped. we rushed upstairs and I was screaming at the intake nurse that I need something for pain. she checked me as soon as I got in the bed, and her eyes immediately got so wide. I was crowning! she called for a doctor but she had no time so her and my mother wheeled my bed into a delivery room, and my baby girl was born then and there, before any doctor could get there. we parked at 9 on the dot, my babies time of birth was 9:07. it was scary because cord was around her throat several times. it was so tight that the nurse couldnt pull it off, the doctor got in within two minutes, and got it off. then I started bleeding uncontrollably. in fact I bled so bad I started slipping into a coma. they thought I was going to bleed to death. my mother was so hysterical they had to tell her to leave the room. they finally got it under control but I had to have two blood transfusions, and I was anemic for a full year after. it turns out being in labor so fast caused her to tear my cervix very badly. the bottom line is, if me and my sister hadnt insisted we go to the hospital, I would have gave birth at home and both me and my daughter would have died. it was by far the scariest experience of my life. I was young, unprepared, scared, and the fact nobody believed me made it so much worse. but it was all worth it because I have the sweetest, most beautiful, best daughter I could hope for. happy birthday to my jaelynn joann!-Crissy
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 19:41:42 +0000

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