believe it or not, I still have friends that use aspartame in a - TopicsExpress


believe it or not, I still have friends that use aspartame in a daily basis... this article is for you, my dear friends...: Aspartame Makes You Gain Weight You want to lose weight, so you start trying to cut calories. The most obvious starting place seems to be switching from high-calorie foods with sugar to foods with zero calorie sweeteners, like aspartame. Better known by brand names, such as Equal, NutraSweet, and Spoonful, aspartame seems like a no-brainer. Fewer calories equals weight loss, right? In fact, study after study has shown just the opposite. Aspartame and all other artificial sweeteners lead to weight gain, not weight loss. So, not only may aspartame be the most toxic additive to foods, instead of helping you lose weight, it actually makes it even tougher to lose it! Aspartame and Fat Storage: Aspartame contains the chemicals phenylalanine and aspartate. Both of these substances increase fat storage. They interfere with insulin and leptin, which control how fat is handled, whether it’s stored, how it’s stored, where it’s stored, and how it’s used. [3] [4] [5] Fat metabolism is deranged by aspartame, with the inevitable result of causing people to pack on the pounds when they’re trying to do exactly the opposite. What’s Going On? Dr. Qing Yang, of the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale University, explains. [1] He suggests that multiple factors are at play: Artificial sweeteners do not activate the food rewards pathways in the brain. Functional MRIs have shown that the appetite suppression brought about by real sugar doesn’t happen with artificial sweeteners, even if they contain calories. Therefore, there is nothing to tell you that it’s time to stop eating. You remain hungry! Studies have shown that aspartame increases hunger more than glucose. Anything that tastes sweet enhances appetite, no matter what makes the food sweet. So, there’s a double whammy with artificial sweeteners. Not only is your appetite increased, as it is with sugar, but there’s no signal telling you to stop eating. Repeated exposure to sweets encourages craving for sweets. Because people believe that there’s no harm in eating aspartame-laced foods, they tend to eat even more of them, resulting in a vicious cycle of increased craving.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 11:57:02 +0000

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