believe me Aries mother and an Aquarius dad free spirited parents - TopicsExpress


believe me Aries mother and an Aquarius dad free spirited parents are not easy to be with too haha you know like i dont really have a mom and dad i always felt like an orphan or something but God always gives us a power and strength to get along with it i mean as much as i hate their free spiritedness i have it in me too ...i learned to understand them now that im grown but when i was young it was hell .. this aspect helped me to get along with what kind of parents i have Uranus is Opposition Midheaven look at your chart maybe you have it too This aspect signifies that you are an individualist and that you should go pretty much your own way in life. You especially needed freedom, and you dont enjoy being with people who are jealous or possessive. In fact as a young child you probably did not like to be coddled by your mother, feeling that such emotions are smothering rather than reinforcing. This attitude probably resulted from wan incident or series of incidents in earliest childhood that taught you that you couldnt count on the kind of nurturing children need from their mother. Therefore you understood that you must learn to do without it as much as possible. It is quite likely that your mother is very independent and has a busy life outside of being a mother. However, this aspect does not usually signal emotional inadequacy or difficulties, unless Uranus is otherwise poorly aspected. It often signifies a parent who, like yourself, is a very free spirit. As you grow older, tradition and home life will mean relatively little to you, and in fact you may regard them as elements that hamper your freedom of self-expression. As soon as you are able, you will try to break free of your family and your place of growing up. Even while you are quite young, you may enjoy the freedom of having no real roots; of fitting in more or less, wherever you go. When you are older, you will keep your home simple and sparsely furnished, and you will try to have as few obligations as possible. If you ever have a family of your own, you will teach them to be as independent as possible, because you do not want anyone to depend on you
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 04:59:24 +0000

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