butterbin I want a share my story: my name is Marisol, Im married - TopicsExpress


butterbin I want a share my story: my name is Marisol, Im married to the strongest, bravest and very handsome man his name is Tony. We got married May 18 1991. I was 18 years old and Tony was 23. We have 2 beautiful daughters Andria who is 22 yrs. old and Briana is 20yrs. Old. We had our ups and downs just like any other couple. Our youngest daughter Briana was born with some medical issues she is had 9 surgeries through out her 20 years of life, she is a very strong girl. When she was 15 she suffered from depression and needed to be hospitalized a few times. Through out this Tony and I tried to stay strong as a couple and as parents. Our marriage was strong and we had a lot of fun together, I love to dance and we both love music. He worked as a horse trainer and I worked at a Catholic Church. We lived just like many people do, very busy at work, running around with the girls to cheer, baton and dance. Our lifes were busy and even though we tried to make time for us it wasnt enough. Well 5 years ago our lives changed for ever, in April 19 2009 My husband Tony suffered a traumatic brain injury, while he was riding a horse he was thrown and kicked in the head by the horse. After 11hrs of brain surgery we were able to see him in ICU connected to all this machines and in a coma. After a lot of therapy he recovered but a year later due to complications he ended up in a coma for almost 5 Months, Doctors told me he was going to be a vegetable. Well I believe in a loving God and I told the Doctors that I wouldnt receive that report, with a lot of prayer and trusting God I requested a second opinion and after another brain surgery Tony started waking up. We had spend many birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays in the hospital with him. I pretty much lived at the hospital day and night for months with him. As of today he is had 10 brain surgeries, and a hip replacement. I am his caregiver 24/7 I do everything for him but he is the one who keeps me going. He is very strong and never complains. We received our strength from God, our Lord is really a very loving and merciful God. Now I really enjoy a kiss from him or just holding his hand. The most simple things bring us happiness and joy to us and our daughters. I love my husband so much. We pray together everyday and we try to share our experience with all the young couples... fight for your marriage with love, forgiveness and happiness. marriage is beautiful in sickness and in health!!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:00:00 +0000

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