cant sleep and have a long work day ahead. While I was reading - TopicsExpress


cant sleep and have a long work day ahead. While I was reading posts I got to thinking about a bead art a friend is doing for me. Michael Tuers is making me a Sephiroth and Cloud half faced portrait. They are the villain and hero from Final Fantasy 7 it shows half of each others face pushed together. I started thinking about what caught my eye when I asked him to make it for me. The thin invisible line that separates their faces is like the line that determines who we become. In the game they both face the same types of tragedy and go mad in each their own way. One decides not to care about anyone or anything, the other learns what he has is worth fighting and dying to keep and protect. In life we go thru so many things. Its not exactly what we each gone thru, but how we let it affect our mind sets and how we let them change us for the better or worse that ultimately shape who we become. Do we let something shut us down or motivate us. Do we become a willing villain by choosing the easier road though we know its wrong or do we become a reluctant hero by just taking the harder path because it is morally the right choice. The line between the two is so thin every little action or word we speak determine which road we head down and how others see us. None of us will probably ever be asked to save the world and everyone in it. But everyday we are faced with big and small tests that determine if we save or destroy each of our own little worlds. I believe that its terrifying in the sense that who wants to get the chance to be a hero and fail. For some its not really a choice whether they like it or not, they just have to hold on and either enjoy the ride or hope something or someone is waiting for them at the end. There is a saying, You either die being the hero, or you live long enough to become he villain. I use to think that was true. But I believe now that as long as you know why you do the things you do and dont ask for anything in return, you can keep from being the villain. How do I know this, simple villains take the easy road every time no matters who it hurts or how much. The hero takes the hard road for themselves simply because it means someone else doesnt have to and know its hardships.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:53:30 +0000

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