chopsticks thought of the day H20 connects us, fuels our bodies - TopicsExpress


chopsticks thought of the day H20 connects us, fuels our bodies £ is a necessity for any living creature. Hmmm, as our World population expands, will it become a scarcity? the oldest liquid on Earth is the #1 ‘new age’ drink in the US & in many countries throughout the world. While many noncarbonated beverages have experienced incredible growth over the past decade such as tea_ juices_ sports drinks, noncarbonated; bottled H20 is ahead of the pack. Q: did you know? on a per capita basis, Italians are the biggest consumers of bottled water, @ nearly 184 litres/2004 which =s more than 2/glasses per diem followed by Nafta partner Mexico & the beautiful United Arab Emirates, @169 £ 164 litres respectively. my favourites Belgium including Luxembourg in the stats + France are close, with consumptions just under 145 litres per person annually! We all know how great it taste after an endurance training_ a long beach day or in my case with lots of fresh lemon juice, but the facts of what its waste do is a blurr to many :( Fact: more than 60 million plastic bottles end up in landfills £ incinerators every day _ a total of about 22 billion last year. Six times as many plastic water bottles were thrown away in the US in 2004 compared to 1997. From sea to shining sea, plastic water bottles are clogging the streams £ tributaries that feed into America’s rivers. The bottles that are not contained by fallen trees £ other debris along our inland waterways are floating out into the Atlantic/Pacific Oceans which then float their way to the shores of island communities £ coastal countries that are themselves only just beginning to experience the problems associated with plastic beverage bottle waste! Indeed becoming a sustainable sensitve person_ recycling £ responsible by being Proactive_ teaching our children_ educating Local Governance to becoming Green_ requiring Sustainable Developments £ thereafter taking action individually by acting locally thinking globally are all super duper important! We are all grains of sand, that can stir a difference ladies £ chaps!! i share this memorable story_ one fine evening, as a few of us residents were exiting the Miami Beach Cinematheque; we saw a man open his vehicle door to throw out a canned drink than landed on the curb. Our conversation was abruptly stopped by this distasteful gesture. … Yes, we were stunned!!! ALL of us wanted to step forward to ask him to please pick up his rubbish explaining that this was our Home £ that we did not appreciate him making it dirty. this evening was forever marked by the Ambassador of our group to address the matter properly. The man apologised £ retreived the rubbish into his motor vehicle. a Happy ending, gotto run :)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:05:14 +0000

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