ction. 14(2)(b) of the 1999 Constitution states that the security - TopicsExpress


ction. 14(2)(b) of the 1999 Constitution states that the security and welfare of the people shall be the PRIMARY PURPOSE of government Section 130(2) of the same Constitution states that the President shall be the Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces while Sections. 215 and 318 puts the command and control of the police and armed forces respectively on the president. And on this basis I dare to opine that: The Nigerian President’s media controllers are selling lies to international communities that there is only one dimension to “Boko Haram”. And the reasons why they are terrorising Nigeria is because “Boko Haram want to Islamise Nigeria”; “Muslims are killing Christians because Jonathan is a Christian President. But, what the Presidency is forgetting is that we now live in a global world and sooner or later the lid will be wide open on the issue of Boko Haram and their sponsors, and no lies or manipulations will stop the retribution. Shamefully, most of the other leaders are not thinking deep and it explains why they have failed so far to argue succinctly that the media controller’s reason is cheap and a phoney, but a highly dangerous form of propaganda techniques. In this case, they have failed to present solid argument and remind the world that President Jonathan is a Christian who works closely with a Muslim Vice President and his government consist of both Christians and Muslims. THE COMPILATIONS: Importantly, the most affected areas where “Boko Haram” is killing innocent citizens are largely populated by Muslims, which explains why most of the Casualties are Muslims. From the Socio-behavioural perspective, it does NOT make credible sense that the same group of fanatics called Boko Haram will be largely attacking and killing a section of the same society that has always been known to be Muslims, who followed the tenet of Islam. Also, this group are highly family oriented and related, in that one of their cultures includes inter marriage. Therefore, they would not have been killing their own families and children because they wanted to “Islamised Nigeria” or because “President Jonathan is a Christian” Good evidence that should have been presented in support of this viable argument is the 2011 voting records because it will show that millions of Muslims voted for Jonathan. If not, Jonathan would have NEVER WON THE 2011 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. So does this makes sense that the same “Muslims will be killing their own families and destroying their own land because Jonathan is a “Christian President”? or because they want to “Islamise Nigeria”? Other shaky reason the media controllers are selling to the world is that boko haram are coming to Nigeria through Cameroon Now, let us look back at history and recalled during Idiagbon-Buhari and Obasanjo regime, where we witnessed how these men went all the way to Cameroon to fight off act of bullying and interference from Cameroon. They show the Cameroonians that Nigeria will not tolerate any terrorism, and since then our country have experience peace and respect from this country. Unlike now that we have lost all that respect including large part of our land to Cameroon. So I ask people who still have a will to think to consider why the Presidency is not using all the power confer to him in the Nigerian constitution and use the most power force against “Boko Haram? We should also consider why is the President not revealing the names of Boko Haram and their sponsors as he promised the world that he would? Is he petty footing because of the Christian sympathy votes in 2015? Recently, a man who has been reported to have “converted to Islam” and also the leader of a deadly militant group in the Niger Delta, MEND by name Alh Mujahid Asari Dokunbo said The type of bomb they (bokoharam) are using is small small pikin bomb. If we begin, nobody will stay in Abuja. We don’t manufacture bomb, but we buy bombs & dynamites. - Alh. Mujahid Asari Dokubo Up to date, the Presidency refused to take any proactive action about this threat and many more threats from the same man. It is also very clear that they have the knowledge to conduct the type of bombings that is going on in Nigeria. These evil utterances are consistent and it shows that Asari and his followers have access to the Presidency who appears to be protecting them. And this explains why Asari boastfully threatens that Jonathan cannot say he is not contesting 2015 election because he has laid the foundation for Jonathan, see evidence here--- youtube/watch?v=tHF91uLZPgU Please be mindful that this latest open threat to the President of Nigeria by Asari Dokunbo was after he was arrested in Republic of Benin for what reports said was for terrorism. The same Asari confessed that he was arrested and accuse of “training Boko Haram in the Republic of Benin” see video evidence here- youtube/watch?v=W2KQXqt98Ds After Asari Dokunbo arrest, reports said that the “President of Nigeria intervene and sent Presidential jet to bring Asari Dokunbo back to Nigeria”. Asari boasted that “President Jonathan Intervened To Secure My Release From Beninoise Gendarmes” see evidence here-- saharareporters/news-page/president-jonathan-intervened-secure-my-release-beninoise-gendarmes-says-asari-dokubo Why is the President of Nigeria interfering in this type of case? Can Asari Dokunbo travel to international developed country? If he can, we Nigerians SHOULD DARE HIM TO! And if you are still in doubt: Use Discourse or Thematic Analysis to Analyse the words of Boko Haram leader and you will find that it correlated with Asari Dokunbo’s utterances above and it is a very good evidence that it was scripted by the same person. Find the words of Boko Haram Leader here: news.naij/64935.html Before he was killed in a ghastly air crash, the Nigerian Chief security Adviser to President Jonathan Andrew Owoeye Azazi “blames the internal workings of the PDP for Boko Haram”---see evidence here-- https://youtube/watch?v=9HfkH82TaEk Another evidence of misinformation was when “Mr. Jonathan had claimed that the media quoted him out of context in their reporting of the remark he made at a Christmas Day service that the war against insurgency in Nigeria could not be totally won. In the statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media, Reuben Abati, the president lambasted a section of the media for carrying headlines, which, in his estimation, suggested that the war against terrorisms might never be won in the country. He particularly criticised two headlines “Terrorism Has Come to Stay” and Insurgency Far From Over – Jonathan” by two newspapers he did not name, saying they were most incongruous with the thrust of his remarks and amounted to taking extreme editorial liberties with his comment at the church service”. But video evidence shows Jonathan lied that he was misquoted see evidence here-- tidyurl/Video-Jonathan-blasts-media MORE DISTURBING EVIDENCE: SEE CONNECTION BETWEEN MEND and JONATHAN here--- 1. Jonathan Gives ‘Tompolo’ Contract To Supply 20 Marine Patrol Vessels To Navy. See evidence here-- saharareporters/news-page/jonathan-gives-%E2%80%98tompolo%E2%80%99-contract-supply-20-marine-patrol-vessels-navy Also, reports later said that “N2.2 Billion Naira that was paid to this ex militants by President Jonathan for pipeline protection has been absconded by an ex-Militant and a former Senator of Bayelsa State” For those wondering who is Tompolo? Tompolo is an “ex Niger Delta Militant, General Tompolo real name Government Ekpumopolo . Only three years ago, he was a fugitive. In May 2009, Brigadier-General Sarkin Yaki Bello, commander of the Joint Military Task Force, JTF, in Niger Delta, had declared Government Ekpemupolo the most wanted man in Nigeria. Bello had fingered Ekpemupolo, or Tompolo, as he is widely known, and his band of militants in the Gbaramutu creeks of the Niger Delta as executing the killing of 11 soldiers – one officer and 10 junior men. It was just one of the many instances of the militants’ atrocities”. see evidence here--saharareporters/news-page/tompolo-billionaire-militant-thenews-africa However, under President Jonathan, Tompolo has taken “delivery of 13 sitters private jet Bombardier Learjet 60 SE and was awarded Maritime Security Contract to protect Nigerian water ways by President Goodluck Jonathan. Is it not worrying that Tompolo another known Terrorist is in Charge of Nigerian Waterways? Would this not make it easy for arms and paid mercenaries to enter Nigeria without detection by Altruistic Nigerians? 2 . In around March 2013, “allegation by the Ojora of Ijora, Oba Fatai Oyeyinka Aromire said that a house where nine suspected terrorists, including a Chadian, were arrested in Ijora-Badia in Lagos belongs to the Bayelsa State Government”. “Why would the Bayelsa state Government maintain an abandoned property in Ijora-Badia of all places in Lagos?” See evidence here--- saharareporters/news-page/afenifere-boko-haram-our-ancestors-will-finish-you We are aware that the president of Nigeria is a native of Bayelsa State, but is this another coincident that a house where foreign terrorists were found belongs to his State? 3. WHEN MEND BOMBED ABUJA ON INDEPENDENCE DAY IN 2010, THE PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA, JONATHAN LIED TO THE WORLD WHEN HE BLAMED THE BOMBING ON INNOCENT OTHERS RATHER THAN MEND, NIGER DELTAN TERRORIST GROUP. IN FACT, HE EXONORATED MEND IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE DEADLY BOMBING SAYING THAT HE KNOWS HIS PEOPLE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BOMBING. 4. President Jonathan also confirm to the whole world that he know who Boko Haram are, that they are in his government, he concluded by promising the world that he would release the names of boko Haram in his government. BUT, up to date, evidence shows that President Jonathan have failed on this very important promise. And this was President Jonathans response about Boko Haram “They (BOKO HARAM) are our siblings; we cannot send soldiers to crush our siblings. PRESIDENT JONATHAN (2011) 5. Also, it is very apparent that there are 3 fractions of Boko Haram- a) The ruthless religious boko haram b) Deadly business arm who trade in arms. c) The evil militant Boko Haram that PDP imposed in order to achieve divide and conquer 6. Some other hundreds members of MEND were sent around the world for one reason(s) or the other under the guise of training. Members of MEND were also reported to have been sent to foreign lands to be trained as Pilots. Where are they now? And who is monitoring their activities? 7. It is a matter of fact that Mend claim responsibility for Independence Day bombing in Abuja in 2010. Henry Ohkar, ex-leader of MEND implicated President Jonathan in the Abuja Bombings claiming that they are working under the instructions of the President. In a sworn affidavit presented to South African court, Henry Okah said “It is my belief that President Goodluck Jonathan’s government working with a faction of MEND planned and executed the bombings of 14 March 2010 and 1 October 2010,” see evidence here---premiumtimesng/politics/4906-henry_okah_insists_jonathan_behind_bomb_attacks.html Henry Okah is now languishing in prison, not in Nigerian prison, but in South African prison. See evidence here---saharareporters/news-page/henry-okah-trial-south-africa-uncovers-role-jonathan%E2%80%99s-aides-abuja-independence-day-bomb-s?page=1 8. Stella Odua was selected by the President to be in Charge of Nigerian Airwaves, and we have witnessed so many air crashes etc. The future of Nigeria lies on our National Legislatives today. God saves Nigeria.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:53:42 +0000

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