during the summer months, I think of Revere beach. spent every - TopicsExpress


during the summer months, I think of Revere beach. spent every Sunday there. The Italian side of my family, which was quite large, would meet across from the Mickey Mouse Club, it was spelled Micky, I guess Disney couldnt touch them. didnt matter, all the clubs in Revere were run by the mob, and they did anything they wanted. Revere Beach had 2 amusement parks back then , Kellys Roast Beef, which is still there, Dannys foot long hot dogs, best around. I met Danny years ago when I played in Revere. he would come every Saturday and buy drinks for me. I mention Danny because he would bring his family, all over 6 feet tall. Im 5 foot 5 and I would feel I was in the forest talking to these people. at night, we would dig for clams, no permit was needed back the. at noon time, my Uncle Toot and my father would start singing the Mickey Mouse song, which meant it was time to cross the street for a beer. the club years later became the Driftwood Lounge which back many summers when I was out playing music, I played a month there, 6 nights a week. I am blessed, great family and this week I celebrate my 42 year of marriage to the great Linda. I think I got the bargain.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 22:09:38 +0000

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