elcome all of you with my love and blessings. Today, the third - TopicsExpress


elcome all of you with my love and blessings. Today, the third day of Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam, Thiru Karthikai Brahmotsavam. Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari are gracing us in the Sarva Alankara. And today, the sixth anniversary of Los Angeles Nithyananda Vedic Temple and Nithyananda Vedic University. And my blessings to the whole Los Angeles! Till the Sun and the Moon, and beyond, let the temple live and grace the whole world! And I accepted all the naivedhyams. Six years over, and seventh year they are entering! Blessings to all the devotees in Los Angeles! I also accepted all 128 naivedhyams you offered. Blessings! And birthday blessings to Andal and Prema Kothandaraman! Andal, this dress looks very nice on you. Go all around with this dress! And, today, Swami Akhilanandaji Maharaj, he is here. He is the Head of the Kuttralam Ramakrishna Tapovanam. He is the disciple of Swami Chidbhavananda ji. If I have to introduce Swami Chidbhavanandaji to all of you, I think all of you know Swami Chidbhavanandaji, because when I spoke on the Bhagavad Gita, I dedicated the whole Bhagavad Gita satsangh to Swami Chidbhavanandaji; because I read the Bhagavad Gita first at the age of twelve from the translation of Swami Chidbhavanandaji. He is a great Mahatma, a great soul who brought Vedanta to South India, who is South India’s Swami Vivekananda. Swami Akhilanandaji Maharaj is a direct disciple of Swami Chidbhavanandaji. Today he is here to bless us. And on behalf of me and on behalf of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, I offer our respects. Swamiji belongs to the Puri Sampradaya. So, Mahanirvani Akhada, as per our tradition, we offer our humble respects. And I also bless Tiruvannamalai! All the devotees, organizers have gathered in Tiruvannamalai today for planning further programs in Tamil Nadu. All the Tiruvannamalai disciples and devotees are planning for a Padayatra from Tiruvannamalai to Bangalore. Today the organizers team is meeting on Padayatra. My blessings for the success of the meeting and for the success of the Padayatra! So, I will continue with today’s satsangh. Today is: • 21st batch Inner Awakening, 10th day; • 18th batch eN-Genius, 10th day; • 21st batch Nirahara Samyama, 2nd level, 7th day; • 10th batch, Level-4 Nirahara Samyama, 10th day. Today, I wanted to expand on the concept which I was explaining from yesterday. The form, understanding about the form can lead to spontaneous Completion and spontaneous Enlightenment. Please understand, all the forms you see are like balloon structures in life. It is the amount of emotion you infuse into them, please listen, the amount of emotions you infuse into them, inflates the balloon. So, the inflation value of every form in your life is the incompletion you carry inside. The inflation value of every visualization, every form you carry in your being, is dependent on the incompletion you carry inside. Please listen! Contemplate! Take a few seconds and contemplate on this. Every form you carry in your life, everything which is most valuable or most dangerous in your life, most valuable or most dangerous in your life, gets alive, becomes alive, gets alive only based on the incompletions you infuse into it. Understand, everything is gas balloon in your life. Whether it is the most important form or the most dangerous form, it is a gas balloon which balloon you are going to inflate by infusing your incompletion. Please understand, the most dangerous thing you think in your life, whether it is poverty, or death, or disease, or accident, or losing your name and fame, or losing your identity, the most dangerous thing is also inflated balloon by your incompletion. And the most beautiful form in your life, even if it is your Guru’s form, even if it is your ishta devatha’s form, is nothing but form inflated by some of your incompletions. Please listen, I am using the word “incompletion”, not “Completion”! I am using the word “incompletion”, not “Completion”! Even you making your God or Guru a hero or savior or a father figure is nothing but you feeling something is missing in your original space of Completion. So, both inflations are your creation. Please listen, I am giving you one of the greatest advaithic truths in a simple, straight-forward way! The most important truth you need to know, whether it is the most dangerous form you think in your life or the most blissful, reassuring form you think in your life, form is a form is a form! Form gets its power only based on incompletion. If you think somebody is a villain, somebody is a hero, both are from your incompletion. Don’t have God or Guru in your life because of your incompletion. Have both of them because of your Completion, strength and love. I tell you, people who try to project hero figure, father figure on me because of their incompletion, I am afraid of them, because any day they will pull out their gas supply to my form. Whether it is Guru or God, if your devotion, if your love is based on Completion, only then you will also grow, you will be really, really, really growing in pure love and devotion towards Guru or God. Please listen, this whole rumors and scandals and problems around us drove away all the fellows who were projecting their hero figure, father figure on me due to their incompletion. Please understand, I have seen in my life, the same fellows who were at my feet begging, crying just to have my darshan or blessings, they were demanding, ‘Leave the whole organization to us and get out!’ I only said, ‘If I am an incarnation, I will come out of this mess and prove!’ And the same thing, during this hoax problem created by the media in Tamil Nadu during this Madurai Adheenam issue, I only said one thing, ‘I am not against anybody. I have no anger towards anybody. I am not against anybody. I am not competition to anybody.’ Before accepting the responsibility, actually when 292nd Maha Sannidhanam came and offered to me, he came and offered, he requested, and before accepting the responsibility I meditated, and I saw very clearly Meenakshi wants me to accept that responsibility, and so I accepted it. ‘If that vision is powerful enough, then I will continue.’ That is all I said. And again, all of you now, now we won the game! Please listen, let everything be based on the space of Completion, whether it is your devotion or anything. Of course, based on Completion, you will not be able to have hatred or violence, but you will have a powerful strategy-planning like Sri Krishna. Sri Krishna didn’t have any hatred towards Bhishma. Sri Krishna didn’t have any hatred towards Drona. Krishna liberated Bhishma, but he had a powerful strategy. He knows what he wants, and he will do what he wants. So understand, let everything be based on the space of Completion, whether it is your devotion, whatever, the form filled by incompletion only will go on binding you more and more. Just a few days before, I gave an example: If you have fear of snakes, in your whole life if you see, you would have seen snake only once, and that also in a zoo, and that too at a very safe distance where they cannot come near you. You can only see them and they can only see you. You would have seen only once or twice, but mentally you will be seeing snakes every day two-hundred times, and you will have panic attack. Not by the snake, but by the memory of the snake, you will have death sooner! Not by the poison of the snake, but by the visualization of the snake, you will have early death! So, understand, whether it is danger or what you call as love, both if you fill it with your insecurity, if you fill it with your incompletion, both are going to be dangerous to you, harmful to you, and both are going to be binding you. So, understand, life, life in its pristine pure form is Completion. When you bring Completion into you, please listen, when you bring Completion into you, no form will bind you, whether it is love or danger, no form will be binding, whether it is love or fear. And I will expland in the further satsanghs how this understanding can lead to spontaneous Completion and spontaneous enlightenment. Ramakrishna says very beautifully….. One lady goes to Ramakrishna and complains, ‘My husband is constantly threatening me that he will become a sannyasi.’ Ramakrishna laughs and says, ‘Don’t worry, he will never become a sannyasi. No one can become a sannyasi like this.’ Then that lady asks, ‘Then how people become sannyasis?’ Ramakrishna just takes a towel from his shoulder which he uses and dusts it twice and puts it on his shoulder and says, ‘See now how I am walking and leaving everything. That is the way people leave everything and become sannyasi!’ Means, only by spontaneous decision of Completion, anything great can happen in your life, never by something which you have been mulling over in incompletion for ages and ages and ages. Adi Shankara says beautifully in Viveka Choodamani, ‘Even Kalpakaala Paryanthaam if you are sitting with certain visualization or ritual out of incompletion, nothing can be achieved!’ He says, even (for the duration of) the age of a Brahma if you are sitting with some ritual, visualization, out of incompletion, you cannot achieve anything great, you cannot achieve any Completion!’ So, understand, even Kalpakaala Paryanthaam if you sit with incompletion, whether you sit with your negative visualization or positive visualization, life is not going to become complete, it is not going to be liberating you! I will expand in further satsanghs how understanding can liberate you spontaneously, how understanding can enlighten you spontaneously. So, listen, don’t fill in the form in your life again and again through incompletion. Every form you fill through incompletion will only bind you. With this, I will give a small break in the satsangh, but I will continue, I will come back in a few minutes. I have to see off Swamiji (Akhilanandaji). Swamiji has to leave for another program. I will see him off. I have committed to spend a few minutes with him. I will come back and continue. You will have Sarvadarshan today. And you will have Dial-the-Avatar today. So, just a few minutes…..I will come back and continue the satsangh. I will give a break. I will come back in a few minutes. SMALL BREAK………………… Yes…..I am back! Sorry for the interruption. I really wanted to complete with all of you guys, it is a very important meeting; that is why I wanted to break the satsangh. He (Swami Akhilanandaji) is an ambassador for some people. So I had to attend. He is a Peace Ambassador. So I had to spend a few minutes with him. He has to rush to another program. So, I really, really, wanted to complete with all of you for this interruption. Really, really sorry for making all of you guys wait. Actually, we originally planned that after the satsangh I will have breakfast with him and have meeting, then come for Inner Awakening. But, unfortunately, his another program was pressurizing him. And, moreover, this meeting was for our sake, for our work. So I only have to adjust my timings. That is the reason. So I complete with all of you guys. So, I will move to the next segment of the satsangh – Dial-the-Avatar. DIAL-THE-AVATAR IN PROGRESS……….. Swamiji on the forthcoming Bali Inner Awakening: I tell you guys, always my first program you should not miss. The first program is real fresh out of the box! So, don’t miss! It is a big breakthrough! See, whatever said and done, the first Inner Awakening is incomparable…..incomparable till now! Same way, every program when we launch first time, it is incomparable. So now, for the first time, I am opening up so many initiations which I have not opened up till now, in Bali, the Bali Inner Awakening. So, the first of first, be there in Bali! So, next segment: Today, 21st batch Nirahara Samyama, 2nd level, 7th day. Tomorrow you have the break after the morning stsangh. Today, we also have Maheshwara Puja in Bidadi. It won’t be relayed on Nithyananda TV; it will be only on two-way video-conferencing. Alright, now we will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Nirahara Samyama. Please sit straight, all the Samyama participants. Cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha, and inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously. Hold as long as you can comfortably. Exhale through both the nostrils as slowly as possible. Do this for the next twenty-one minutes. I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, by producing energy directly from space! Namah Shivaya! NIRAHARA SAMYAMA IN PROGRESS………………… I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you! ___________________ END OF SATSANGH
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:41:07 +0000

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