error of quantum mechanics and particle physics A, Quantum - TopicsExpress


error of quantum mechanics and particle physics A, Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics is Not Relevant to Electricity Electricity Last Correct Scientist is Michael Faraday After Him Electricity Going the wrong way by J.J Thomson 1, Bulb Why not Glowing What Happened to Electric charge −1 e −1.602176565(35)×10−19 C[7] −4.80320451(10)×10−10 esu 2, How to Dynamo Working Can You Explain By Quantum Mechanics And Particle Physics ? B, Energy Form J. J. Thomson He Changed Direction of Energy Form finding method People Knew Electron Before J. J. Thomson J. J. Thomson Named Electron to One Type Plasma of Inside Vacuum Tube .it Wrong Decision Hence Peoples Missing Way of Energy Form (up-to 100 years) People Still Searching Energy Form from Type of Plasma. Plasma Depend Electricity (We Cannot Collect Plasma) C, rutherford cathode ray is not relevant to Electricity. hence cathode ray Crossing anode side ( cathode ray ignoring anode side) cathode ray we can control by magnet only then controlled by electricity reason is Electricity conversion first (nearest) choice is Magnet. This is one of the reason for Ampere Meter working cathode ray we can control by closed circuit if you use electricity each source for each plate cathode ray will ignore rays always ignoring electricity. you cannot identify positive or negative terminal of battery at inside vacuum tube by any rays by rutherford experiment is like as eddy current ray disturbed by magnet rutherford understood result totally wrong D, Ernest Rutherford did he see orbiting electrons ? then why he telling like this (Rutherford presented his own physical model for subatomic structure, as an interpretation for the unexpected experimental results. In it, the atom is made up of a central charge (this is the modern atomic nucleus, though Rutherford did not use the term nucleus in his paper) surrounded by a cloud of (presumably) orbiting electrons. In this May 1911 paper, Rutherford only commits himself to a small central region of very high positive or negative charge in the atom. ) E, Alpha Ray and Beta Ray Its Not particle Because Its Not Attract Each Other Even You Turn Ray By Magnet Before Split Time Also Its Not Attracting Each Other. Its Just Traveling Straight Line F, solar system is not role model of particle gravity force and spinning force opposite to each other falling object reason gravity force is greater than spinning force spinning reason third force acting to spin that force grater then gravity force ( this is for solar system not for particle ) particle orbiting amazing then unlike particle staying one place without attracting still we did not see particle then how to come spinning idea still we dont know gravity cause, but we not ready agree do you know we cannot create gravity G, Strong Force is not an Experimental Result. This is Just a Solution for Contradiction of Base Theory (Base Theory = like particles attract each other unlike particles repel each other) (Contradiction = more then one like particles) Advanced Physics Today but Still Dont Know. Why do same/opposite electric charges repel/attract each other H, Physics Built by Attractive Force and Repulsive Force Attraction and Repulsion is not a Magic Thing What is the Reason Attraction and Repulsion Why Attracting and Why Repelling I, Electricity monopole. we cant identify and we cant destroy monopole demonstrations all are using spherical shape because podhtu arranged at shape surface is maiyam , inner side one pole and outer side one pole. see link error solution but i couldnt spend my time for this
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:14:48 +0000

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