esday, 20 August 2013 Magical DNA- quantum fields and - TopicsExpress


esday, 20 August 2013 Magical DNA- quantum fields and communication Ive put together a smorgasbord of articles that we have been reading, re-reading and discussing over the past month or so. Suddenly more and more of these topics are coming out into the lime light of the almost main stream and main stream media. Our DNA holds the key to the universe. Literally. Ive posted excerpts of several articles below, with their corresponding links. Take a wander through the information and ask yourself What do I know? then sit back and enjoy the information over load. Homework: Look up Melanin - with special attention to neuro melanin- and melatonin. Connect the dots to the pineal and pituitary factories... I mean, glands. Follow the dots to what they dont want you to know and how theyve tried to keep you from finding out. As usual, my comments are in purple. Can Our DNA Electomagnetically Teleport Itself? ...Essentially, they took two test tubes - one containing a fragment of DNA about 100 bases long, another containing pure water - and isolated them in a chamber that muted the earth’s natural electromagnetic field to keep it from muddying the results. The test tubes were housed within a copper coil emanating a weak electromagnetic field. Several hours later, the contents of both test tubes were put through polymerase chain reactions to identify any remnants of DNA - a process that subjected the contents to enzymes that would make copies of any DNA fragments they found. According to Montagnier, the DNA was recovered from both tubes even though the second should have only contained water. Montagnier and his team say this suggests DNA emits its own electromagnetic signals that imprint the DNA’s structure on other molecules (like water). Ostensibly this means DNA can project itself from one cell to the next, where copies could be made - something like quantum teleportation of genetic material, a notion that is spooky on multiple levels.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:17:34 +0000

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