everybodys been shot Had to share this, heard a minister - TopicsExpress


everybodys been shot Had to share this, heard a minister mentioned on his radio program yesterday how he was going through a bad time and friend encouraged him with a scene from the movie Black Hawk Down. If you remember Black Hawk Down it was movie about a convoy of American soldiers stuck behind enemy lines in Mogadishu Africa. They were trying to move a convoy of Humvees back to their home base under small arms fire and rocket fire. Every vehicle in the convoy were taking massive hits and suffering casualties. The lead Humvee was hit by a rocket cutting the private that was driving it in two. The convoy was now at a complete standstill and still taking heavy fire, if that lead vehicle didn’t move the whole convoy would be lost. The sergeant that was in command acted quickly, he pulled the young mans torn body out of the drivers seat then looked down at another private who was cowering with a bullet hole in his shoulder . He barked a command at him “get in the truck and drive. The young man looked at him in astonishment and said “but sir Ive been shot. The sergeant yelled back at him. Everybodys been shot get in the truck and drive! We as Christians need to realize “that everybody’s been shot, everybody’s been hurt, everybody been wounded, EVERYBODYS BEEN FRUSTRATED, this fact does not excuse us from fulfilling the call of God on our lives. And the number one call is to preach the Gospel, in season and out of season, when we think things are going good, and when we think things are going bad. In this time of recession, this time unemployment, this time of foreclosure, if the world ever needed a word, it needs it now. I know you’re hurt, I know you’ve been shot, and sometimes it was friendly fire, but God has a call on your life, get BACK in the truck and drive. Drive like someone’s life depends on it, because it does, you just may be the one holding up the line. Gary Scott
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:09:31 +0000

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