examiner Behind the ink part 2 - Tulsa Animal Advocacy Upon - TopicsExpress


examiner Behind the ink part 2 - Tulsa Animal Advocacy Upon further research into Rescue Ink many other issues have come to light that make this group look worse and worse. Rescue Ink was bad enough by using an “allegedly” abused dog to raise donations and garner publicity but their background shows a history of misrepresentations. As stated in the first part of this series, the Rescue Ink Foundation was dissolved in June of 2011. All the dogs were signed over by Rescue Ink Foundation to Eric Bellows at Pack Ethics another 501 c 3 dog rescue including Rebel and Vesper. So why are Rescue ink still posting pictures of one of the dogs on their Facebook page to solicit donations? prnewswire/news-releases/rescue-ink-foundation-officially-closes-124075439.html This group was in litigation with Hays entertainment over trademark infringement over the use of the name Rescue Ink. Is this where the donations (gifts really since this group is not a non profit) are going? See rfcexpress/lawsuits/trademark-lawsuits/new-york-southern-... Summary - Hays Entertainment, LLC et al v. Joseph Edward Panzarella et al. rfcexpress Actually with all the money that Rescue Ink collects I really don’t see any proof of day-to-day rescue work. All their pictures of the guys on their page show them at car shows or on their motorcycle or fundraisers but no actual on site dog handling or rescue. The pictures on their page that are of dogs are photos shared from some other rescue with either a thumbs up or a criticism of the other groups work or intentions. https://facebook/RebelRescueInk Rescue Ink works hard to intimidate, sabotage and damage the reputation of other 501 c 3 rescues with unsubstantiated accusations and when questioned they either do not respond or delete the questions from their sites. They have a history of accusing Pack Ethic, the very same group that is caring for the dogs from the desolved Rescue Ink Foundation, of animal abuse but have yet to show any proof. They also attacked two other groups for work that those groups did and took credit for those groups work. Eric Bellows in an on line statement said this about Rescue Ink’s abuse of Pack Ethic: “Pack Ethic was clearly just being used for our work, videos and pictures which the Rescue Ink Founding Members used for many months to solicit donations from unsuspecting individuals world-wide. The Rescue Ink Founding Members continued to use these videos and pictures after my departure from “Rescue Ink”. Vesper is a prime example of this – as his recovery and transformation was paramount in the rescue world. I do want to clarify that any monies that were sent in for Vesper to the Rescue Ink Foundation was received for Vesper. If you personally gave your donations to the Rescue Ink Founding Members, then you will need to inquire where those monies went. As for the statement that monies were given for the lifetime care of Rebel and others, this is false. I never received this and am curious to the documentation to back up this statement. In the end – Vesper – like many of the dogs we care for were used for the Rescue Ink Founding Member’s benefit. Some of the Rescue Ink Recruits and their families often came through and paid for repairs at our house out of their own pockets. They spent time out of their own weekends and holidays strictly for their love for the animals and the group’s ‘supposed mission’. It was never a priority for the Rescue Ink Founding Members to be on site, except if there were cameras involved.” He also goes on to say this about Rescue inks motives and ethics: “The top priority for the Rescue Ink Founding Members was never the dogs and the rescue work. The Rescue Ink Founding Members had no appreciation for the work that it took to care for and rehabilitate these dogs. They did not hold the needs of the dogs above their own at any point. There was a case of a women needing surgery and her Pit Bull was a little rough around the edges and asked Joe Panz to help and he said no. I stepped in and rehabbed the dog for 3 months while she got healthy and asked for no money whatsoever. Joe Panz – however was then sure to be there when it was time to transport him back to the owner, because he knew that it would be good publicity – as always – taking credit for other people’s work. In return when the owner got their dog back and was so healthy and balanced - they bought us a pallet of dog beds and delivered them to Joe Panz. We did not however hear about this donation that we could have definitely used for the many dogs in our care. Instead, this was right around the same time that I was forced to accompany the Rescue Ink Founding Members to Angels Gate which I didn’t like because I don’t agree with the treatment of the animals there – and - low and behold Joe Panz wanted to look like a hero so he gave them all the beds. When I asked where they came from he casually told me – like it would not be an insult to me and the dogs in my care. Keri and I worked for those beds by helping out someone in need – but they didn’t understand that at all.” “Rescue Ink, Inc. of today hangs onto old cases that they claim to be the saviors for and flaunt major accomplishments like Buster’s Law, which the “Rescue Ink Founding Members” say was passed because of their involvement. In fact - Oliver – the Great Dane – an extreme abuse case out of SchenectdayNYis one of the dogs that led to that law. Oliver came to us at Pack Ethic from the shelter when he displayed behavioral issues and is now a permanent part of our family and pack. But this is always how it was and has been and will be – Rescue Ink, Inc. is in the field of rescue for the fame and notoriety and the subsequent financial gain. They used Keri and I and our home for months in order to furnish themselves with monies that they didn’t earn, egos that are based on lies and actions that never take place. I am ashamed to have once been considered a member and now have to suffer further with their threats of investigations and I am sure after this statement – impending litigation.” So for all you animal lovers out there please be aware that there are groups of so called “rescuers” that are in it for the fame and fortune. If you are looking for a group to donate your time and money to donate to a local group that you can go visit for yourself and make for sure your money is being spent on the dogs and cats not tricked out Chargers! Stay tuned for part three and Mary the “den mother” input on this situation! Everything look okay? Send Silk feedback
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 03:03:31 +0000

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