frfy Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslAm I. Introduction As a - TopicsExpress


frfy Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslAm I. Introduction As a Catholic, I was led to believe that Catholicism was the only true religion, and that Judaism was only a preparation for Christianity. Hence the other religions were all false. In fact, I only heard about Isldmfor the first time in 1978. I had learned that Muslims believed in the divine origin of Christianity and Judaism. The Qurdn indicates that Allah (the proper name for God in the Arabic language) had sent prophets to every land in order to guide people to the path oftruth and righteousness. In order to carve the Christian message into the depths of my subconscious, the Catholic Church designed a program which, when applied from childhood, had a very high probability of retention. This program affected peoples beliefs and their behavior for the rest of their lives. In this scheme, the central figure is Jesus and the rites are mostly related to events surrounding his birth, supposed death and resurrection; frorl his birlh, assumed to be in December, to his alleged crucifixion on Easter. These religious rites were introduced by human beings many centuries after Jesus depafture rather than by Divine Revelation. According to tradition in Venezttela, at midnight on December 24 I nsed to rvait for the arrival of Jesus to bring the gifts that I had requested in rny yearly wish letter. Being frorn a poor family, and having several brothers and sisters, I understood that it was very difficult for Child Jesus to bring me rvhat I had asked for. But I was often confused and puzzled because if Jesus had performed so many miracles as I had learned from nuns and priests, why was he not able to bring me a tricycle? Wasrrt that requcst easier fbr Him than bringing dead W My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam I. I
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 07:49:45 +0000

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