from 2:40 on tell me monch isnt godmode Devyn Guy Ty - TopicsExpress


from 2:40 on tell me monch isnt godmode Devyn Guy Ty Stewart Darryl Stuckey https://youtube/watch?v=HTUTRbGm9_A&index=2&list=FLanP_v23OoQB4eTEglcVWeg In order to recollect exceptional memories I developed a way to transform brainwaves into binary code from energy Translate algorithms, converted the information to digital Uploaded compiled files of wisdom Then projected them on a screen, vivid beautiful scenes Extract orchestrated symphonies and heavenly dreams The alchemist In kindergarten when kids was asking about alphabets I was immaculate with astronomy, mastering calculus Seized from my parents during a scene when I was seven They experimented on my brain up until I was age eleven And at age thirteen I learned to literally stream Molecules and teleport molecular structures with the beam These are my memories, soak them in with a notion To fast forward the bad and play the good in slow motion Now I astral project Analyze Guam Study Agent Orange bring back secrets from Nam The government asked me to track the locals on Islam They asked me the whereabouts of Boko Haram And cracked my brain for catastrophic chatter thats insane To extract data from satellites on missin Malaysian planes My memories, my memories, my memories Although from only just a week ago My memories, my memories, my memories
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 17:19:04 +0000

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