from Liu Ming laoshi CHINESE ASTROLOGY UPDATE Sun March 23 – - TopicsExpress


from Liu Ming laoshi CHINESE ASTROLOGY UPDATE Sun March 23 – 2nd moon/23rd day The qi of the day is splendid and full and good results of previous conduct are readily available to further strengthen good progress. Progress is smooth for the next four days. It is auspicious to start any new project, open a business, start a new course of study, move house, sign contracts, initiate change, weddings and form a team. Indeed it is a full-steam ahead sort of day. Long-awaited good news may arrive by post or email. Fengshui adjustments (even simple decoration) to interior spaces are enhanced. It is not suitable for conclusions however, so avoid funerals, burials, divorce proceedings and demolition. The Kidney channel is open. Use Kidney 4, 5 and 6. Lower back massage is enhanced (gentle and circular strokes for long time). Keep patients warm. Herbs to restore Kidney qi are especially enhanced. Mon March 24 – 2nd moon/24th day The choice today will be uncomfortable for many people. There is a chance to use force successfully in a blocked situation. It is like a battle (with losses) that curtails greater loss in the future. Being a comfortable loser is of course another choice. There is also a chance to apply this to one’s on conduct by a precise use of force against your own hardened complacency. It is therefore good for well-planned initiating of new disciplines (especially exercise), embarking on long journey, moving house, immigrating and surgery. Avoid big decisions, starting a new job and gardening. Remember that the use of force must be precise and well-planned. Once force is applied, succeeds – get back to routines as soon as possible. Tendon stretching (yoga, qigong) is enhanced. Being treated by new physician or with new method is enhanced. The Gallbladder channel is open. Gallbladder 41 is reliable all day. Chronic imbalances may suddenly reverse. It is the Commemorative day of the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rimpoche (1954-1992). “What is free from birth, dwelling and cessation? It is the nature of mind. However, as long as one doesn’t recognize the nature of mind, one experiences samsara; if one does recognize it, one experiences nirvana. In other words, the way phenomena manifest depends on awareness. Nirvana is not obtained by overcoming samsara (or putting an end to disturbing emotions, in order to develop something else). On the contrary, one should look at the actual nature of the disturbing emotion and thus ‘self-liberate’ it and recognize its true nature. By holding this supreme view, one can understand reality, the suchness of all phenomena. If one achieves this realization and fully recognizes the basic nature of all phenomena, without struggling to give up samsara or attain nirvana, then everything becomes ultimate reality. Conceptual mind dissolves, along with the value judgments as to what is good or bad, and one attains the goal, which is the realization of the ultimate view.” Tue March 25 – 2nd moon/25th day The qi is found in taking the initiative today. The qi is similar to yesterday but now has a more confident base – so strength need not be aggressive or sudden. What may have been successfully accomplished and revealed yesterday can now go forward with strength. Mental focus can be harnessed to sudden awakening. Consult the Oracle. The day is ideal for fengshui adjustments to bedroom, kitchen and thresholds. Embarking on a long journey, starting new job and creative work are all auspicious today. Art purchases, makeovers and decorating all go well. Spring romance blossoms – a bit of romance can work. Avoid filing lawsuits, arguments and making your case (you will exaggerate) or overeating. It is one of the Chinese Commemorative days of Obscure Heaven Supreme Ruler (Xuan Tian Shang Di), Lord of the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) constellation and therefore the mechanism of Fate. Celebrations are in order but modesty should not be abandoned. It is traditional to think that your conduct today can have a powerful influence on clearing negativity and securing future good fortune. Heaven’s watchfulness is crystal clear. It is also Dakini Puja day. The Liver channel is open. Foot reflexology is a great idea. Lung 7 and Gallbladder 41 are good to use all day. Don’t overeat; grazing is better than banqueting. Be in bed by 10pm. Spring Equinox Qi Node March 21 – April 4, 2014 Yin and Yang Equality WOOD (6am Colon) Chun Fen “Spring divides – means burgeoning At the Spring Equinox the yin and yang are equal. A quivering Yang arises and a shaky Yin submits. The day and night are equal in length. This qi node marks one of four annual pivots that rectify the annual qi transformation. In lunar calendar terms this is spring’s midpoint. It is analogous to the crowning of a Prince. During this qi node the best qi is available around dawn; you should practice neigong facing due east and greet the dawn with deep breaths. Imagine that you inhale the true and pure yang of the sun from over the horizon as the light appears. Have it enter your body and refresh all your organs, channels and joints. You will notice that all the winter’s lethargy is gone and if you have been cultivating spring, yang is no longer shaky. Plans and actions are enhanced. It is an ideal time for in depth study, long walks and consulting with diviners and astrologers. Focus and go forward. Do not forget the advice of the sages! Crows and ravens are sun-creatures in Chinese tradition – they will be rascally now all through spring and summer.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 17:04:42 +0000

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