from operchan.... best description ive ever heard :) A computer - TopicsExpress


from operchan.... best description ive ever heard :) A computer is like an office. Your processor is the man behind the desk. You can have a great performer but its going to cost you alot. Dont want to pay a premium? Youre going to get Milton working that desk for you. The desk is memory, Papers being worked on cant overlap or else your office worker gets confused and might just upend the desk... More RAM is A bigger desk for more things you can work on at the same time. A hard drive is a filing cabinet with an intern who files the papers from the desk, or gets them to the desk to be worked on. Raid 0 is 2 filing cabinets, with the interns taking and pulling every other page into their cabinet. Its faster and makes your drive seem bigger by using both at the same time. Raid 1 is a photocopier inbetween 2 filing cabinets, filing duplicates. You can pull things faster but put them away slower since your interns can pull different files. Raid 5 is a secretary telling the interns what to do with their files, and if one of your interns gets fired, the secretary can make sense of whats left and be able to make a new filing cabinets contents correctly. Overclocking is feeding your desk worker only varying grades of coffee, expresso, or pharmaceuticals instead of just water from the office cooler. Eventually theyll keel over if not done in monitored moderation.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:32:56 +0000

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