(from the article) If it went ahead the plan could see more than - TopicsExpress


(from the article) If it went ahead the plan could see more than 50 observation satellites in orbit within two years, The South China Morning Post reported. This would put the country’s satellite surveillance capabilities on a par, or greater than, the US. The paper said support for the massive upscale was fuelled by China’s frustration over the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370. *********** Yeah, right. One missing airplane is the impetus for the launching of 50 reconnaissance satellites within two years. The ChiComs are SO concerned over the voluminous occurrences of missing airplanes that they are willing -- out of the goodness of their hearts -- to blanket the globe with imagining satellites. I believe the ChiCom ruling elite think were as stupid as our own regime thinks we are. Folks, the ChiComs as well as the Russians smell blood in the water. To them, the United States is little more than a giant blue whale thats been harpooned and is bleeding profusely. The sharks are circling, waiting for the wounded cetacean monster to thrash itself into exhaustion. Weakness invites such reactions by geopolitical adversaries. The DOTUS and its cabal are either too stupid to understand this most basic dynamic of power politics; or, they are willingly -- gleefully -- engineering it.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:05:48 +0000

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