good morning good morning one and all. How in the world did I get - TopicsExpress


good morning good morning one and all. How in the world did I get soooo lucky to have the BEST Facebook buddies in all the world? Lawd folks you guys work my fingers to death, but I so love it. Perhaps I missed my calling and should have been a writer, or even better yet a Government worker as they sure have a sense of wordy nonsense that is just a bunch of bull! LOL...sad but so true. Well I have been a little busy this morning, drinking coffee, washing clothes, Lawd where do they all come from with just me and old Pa here? Sometimes I sit here and recall the days gone by (thank GOD) for when our 4 kids were home, all in sports, Wayne at the FD, me working full-time, and all the sets of clothing it took for us to do all we done. I can surely say that Maytag is sure worth the money for I flat-out put them to the test and never once had to call that old Maytag man. Pa is out and about today, him and Little Noah, who is our youngest grandson and let me say, Noah was NOT happy about traveling around paying bills. Pa told him,but Noah, the bank will give you a sucker, and granddaddy Rhodes always has candy in his pockets, and we are getting a biscuit to eat and Mr. Capps will give you a sucker and on and on Pa went, finally Noah put on his spiderman socks and his spiderman shoes and said well lets go get that candy and Necolus dont know I got his socks and shoes on hahaha said Noah. That boy is a trip. It sure did hurt Pas feelings that his little buddy didnt want to go with Pa but rather wanted to stay with me and watch this ding dang House Committee Questions to the HHS secretary...perhaps he wanted to hear the lies as well. Lawd that government of ours is such a pile of crap Im being nice here today! I never call anyone ugly for I was taught better, but I declare that Mr. Waxman from California is pure scary looking, GOD bless his heart he is one sad looking fellow to me, GOD forgive me for saying that for I am ugly too, but he has me beat! I am so very glad that all my classmates had so much fun at the beach and I am so very sorry that so many of us could not go for I sure would love to have gone, and am certain others would have too, so to those that went, count your blessings and I for one sure missed you all. Perhaps one day this old Pa of mine will enjoy doing some of the things that I so enjoy, but unless we can come and bring 13 grandkids, I might be dead before that happens! 43 years and I am on the bottom of the totem pole, so here I sit just doing my own thing, swinging on the ceiling fan, doing cartwheels, my routine back-flips across the backyard, which is CUT, LOL, I think I might try climbing a few trees today to see if I can spot the thief that is robbing many of us blind out this way, as we live in the country, are good hard-working folks who dont bother a soul and are a wonderful neighborhood all except for the thief and I personally think the thief lives right down the road, in which the detectives were made aware of who my daughter suspects, the fact that the same car was seen in my daughters driveway and the same car sits in the curve day after day as the young boy lives with his grandmother and even stole and broke into his grandmothers home. I do which I had been a detective in my younger days, I did work with the detectives and loved the problem solving of the job, but would never carry a gun or try to control the public cause I am a chicken when it comes to that end of it and I am one that thinks this job ought to be left to the men-folks but behind the desk putting the pieces together yes!...ladies have a great problem solving skill. Changing subjects again...Kathleen Sebelius, HHS is one of the biggest liars I have ever listened to and she is so nervous as she lies her way through this questioning. Our country has to wake up, take control, demand answers, fire many in Washington, and lets get this mess sorted out and take care of our own! I am sick of all these illegals here, taking monies that belong to the American people, and them being taken good care of, given money, our money, to start up small business, but GOD forbid an American need help for anything, I am sick of this mess, if I had my way, I would strongly consider moving to where they came from to see if that country would take care of me, for ours sure dont! Have a great day, be good, be safe, help anyone that needs it that you are aware of, smile, laugh, tell a sad person a joke, help a fellow co-worker catch up their work if you are done with yours, just put forth the effort to do what you can to always help. Hugs to you all.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:11:35 +0000

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