guys I ran across this in an is long,it will open a new - TopicsExpress


guys I ran across this in an is long,it will open a new window... But just for a second let go of all preconceptions,very interesting..not sure who to credit it to. there have actually been two separate conspiracies running at the same time, which might explain not only the confusion but the sufferances humanity has had to endure over the millenia. the first involves the so-called reptilians - actually a race of beings from the equal and opposite universe to ours - one of total control and not free will. they broke through to ours via wormholes - what scientists see as black holes. the energies they brought were first indicated by alexander the great defeating a much larger persian army in 333 bce, becoming earths first conqueror - no one else had tried to rule the world before then, as people were probably more content to fish, farm, explore, raise their families and just enjoy the experience of physical life. these controlling energies eventually became the roman catholic church - centred at the vatican. we are well aware of the torture and genocide this institution has committed over the millenia, helping to also kill the idea of a creator by committing acts of the devil in gods name - the bible after 325ad has played the role now played by the msm, science, and education. fortunately this enemy was removed entirely from the universe in 2002. you can tell because george h.w. bush and tony blair got people to do what they wanted - they had a commanding authority that many people obeyed - but when dubya, obama, brown and cameron speak, most people laugh at them, because they are clearly imbecilic puppets spouting nothing but lies and sweet nothings only for the very weak-minded to accept - in other words, the spell has worn off, hasnt it? this brings us to our second enemy, still around and currently helping the most psychopathic humans to implement their plans of debilitation, depopulation and the uniform, transhumanised enslavement of humankind. these we knwo as the annunaki, the velon, lucifer, the hathor, galactic federation of light, the illuminati, the freemasons, the theosophists, ascended masters, council of nine, the antichrist, alien saviours and many more.. well, if youre going to fool a whole people youre going to have a lot of disguises arent you? these guys arrived in the 1700s, expecting the planet to be empty, under the religious fervour of being gods chosen people - when they found us already living here the majority withdrew, but the most zealous began monitoring us to figure out how to remove us so they could inherit their rightful gods chosen planet (you can see where this is going, and where human religious fervour about being the chosen ones comes from, all programming & conditioning.) if youre with me this far and accept the idea of these e.t. beings, then you will probably be ok with the idea that they travelled back in time to when we first invented (or had to invent) writing - sumeria. having dictated their fantasy history of humanity to a scribe, they hid in tibet until the time when they originally landed came round again, in the meantime channelling all kinds of crap to all kinds of people all over the world, most notably helena blavatsky, alice bailey, aleister crowley, edgar cayce (95% truth, remember) and many more today. the story goes that adam weishaupt was actually taken over by one of these velus consciousnesses, hence why he was able and determined to dream up such intricate, clever and successful plots for the illuminati to overthrow governments, cause revolutions and invent a financial system that would enslave the world. and as we know through this financial control they have acquired serious military might - our hope is the stories of the pentagon refusing to play ball with what they can clearly see as a hidden political coup detat are true, so we will remain safe from any total madness for the meantime, even if iraqis, syrians, palestinians and many others are not. in 2009 there was a coup at their headquarters in virginia, and six of the families were ousted and the e.t head also changed, and moved its operations to by lake titicaca in peru. it is interesting that one of the families no longer in the club includes the bushes, who are currently being hunted down by the msm for iraq and torture and war crimes.. we know the power they wield is immense, but it still relies on people going along with everything they say, continuing to pay taxes and consume and not care about the massive poverty and injustices in our own country, nor the genocides that our governments are committing abroad, so the more people are aware, the more they will care and the more likely they are to do something about it. this is why i will never, ever stop until we have put everything right, and why i believe raising awareness, using our voices and creativity, and offering genuine hope for everyone are the best use of our time, in whatever ways you like to do these things.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:26:28 +0000

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