had a long debate/discussion with my 10 year old today about Thors - TopicsExpress


had a long debate/discussion with my 10 year old today about Thors hammer, which, I reminded him, was similar to the sword in the rock, in that only the right person can pick it up. So first we were debating who could lift it: has to be someone worthy, which is odd b/c Thor himself is kind of a douchy oaf. But we know that wonder woman, captain america, red hulk (?), and a few others have been able to lift it--beta ray bill too. then we discussed who else could lift it: green lantern: no. Superman: no. Professor X: no. Wolverine: no. Johnny Storm: no. Iron man: no. Nightcrawler: maybe. Etc. Then, given the fact that it was enchanged by Odin, who is a god, but not a Cosmic Entity, could a cosmic entity like Beyonder, Uatu the Watcher, Galactus lift it? Then I said well suppose its on the sidewalk but then someone destroys the earth. so now the hammer if floating in space, rihgt? could someone grab it then? So we figured it all out, I think.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 23:31:12 +0000

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