hehe! is his demeanor..he exdes guilt bt at this point would be - TopicsExpress


hehe! is his demeanor..he exdes guilt bt at this point would be literally undetected...time heals and he is the burden of proof...low moral society! and lower standards it tiz wit it iz...hea in norcal ..hw would been guilty before havn his constitute to fair trials! thnk bot it! WWJD yawls just lukn at facts.. the devils in the detayls... arent we awl bliss wen our own best interest are at stake ... u stoopid if u thnk the jurys wrong! it is wut it was now deal with the consequent in ur own societal norms jackass is a good depictions u ur weakness look intropectively at iself is the message..fite the power withn the mayn in your mirror reflect in the ncident as a mere trauma accident where one dint survive the fatalality situation circumstantial evident nature of such crime nor cud it have been avoided only with preventative measues set by ur county officials state! its a cruel wurld we live in but its the here and now! it is self richousness we rebel and for why shud we tke mattrs ta heart yle thre wasnt bit one outta two beatn at the end uv this incident which leaves a half margin for err! to hman is to err! philosphy and dr. martin wud frown for this and b very disappointted by awl whos involved! be troo to urself live free from d o ubt nd danger is key! adhere to the human policy nd nawt by the wurd of our fathers! the choice has ben made irregardless uv the outcome! be lucky in the love for peace uphold the freewill of freedom and let the liberty bell ring nawt resonate through violent protest we as a nation have becme masters tke accountability one race ...one nation under the gawd we have chosen to dictate our future... let the fire burn at home! wthin yawls family hold this discussion at dinner i bet it will change yawls decision bot lootn and rgng against the establisment! we are the people men and women of the planet be prepared therefore it will never hppn again! i prey for the families effected and keep them in my prayers aways as tym goes by it kan only git better through him through ur bettr decision makn we shall overcome! its sad bt troo for awl not just blks or cops or victims erydey i fight cor lyf! so shud u not to be dtermined by a fault but wut is in demand of our future luk to the positive resolve non forced resolved the life was forced oit the situation by way uv ciircumstance ... nawt beyond a reasonable dubt the the intellegwnce of that jury! it is ookay! we shud be okay with it being ok nawt mkn a mountaint out of a molehill be precise the forensics by means uv science kudve possibly done bettr its your state to assume recovering this the body is the soul as evidence wudve provided the details however too mny ways maybe? welp i hope it helps u sleep better and feel accomplished to know...! and ok i will answer and agree ... hayte is reel! i exist and so do we awl aight point tkn well recieved bt a little late! it is a payneful life to feel defeated so move on in one direction wherever your heart feels best accomodated dnt do as i do do as i say i think now its the time for that! lets hear wut our fearless leader is telling us and the message clear to our undastndng of it awl and internalize the great achievement in allowing him to feel for our nation and nawt his self richousness of revolutionary proprtions and emotions awl abput one whom we hardly een know it is passionate to sey in the least but reeely yawl! like frozen! let it go! more so! let it be known...to let our people go to grow! its unwise and vey uneducated isnt it on the news! through the media we havnt een spoken a wurd! yet ingnance setttn tone for entonatipn of the nation y were nato awl duh sudden huh! or tliban or wut hve yoo! now idk whos wrng! we the ppl or the wutever the kase may be! the cop seemed to be fighting as if he were the one whos life was n perrill rite! his wurd against a dead corpse who had the better argument! he not a niggah ta hold court ! court is for white supremeist right! or nahhh! u een knw dat! cops are yte! law show up to uphold grand jury! it wud been contempt nd a mockery ta the system peepl kntchoo see!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:02:06 +0000

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