heres the truth on africa, THE WORLD DONT HELP AFRICA, AFRICA HELP - TopicsExpress


heres the truth on africa, THE WORLD DONT HELP AFRICA, AFRICA HELP THE WORLD, THE WORLDWIDE LIE YOU SINCE 10 000 YEARS EVERY BLACK MAN, EVERY BROWN SKIN, EVERY ARAB MAN STAND UP AND GO TO THE WAR AGAINST THIS LIAR, went to war against the liars, I support all African black countries and Arab, it is time to stand up and say no, stop to lie perpetrated, no the killing, no to those who insult our religion, who kills our brothers who fight peacefully and that these Western make up their struggle as terrorists, no, not in our name, no you will not have our continent, our country, no its over, if we have to die well we will stand as our ancestors did, we are the new generation we will not leave us still persecuted, stealing, insulted, stay slave, pillaged, handled, dirty, instrumentalized, devalued, killed, so here is our story that we create, we build, now for your future generations, our children and small children, would you like to see be under arms or the hold of his killers when you are no longer of this world. You choose what will be your fight like a man said, if you do not find a way to live then find a way to die, ask yourself would you die or live, die like a free man for our future can live and see a new day to live or live as a slave to the occident of the 21em century, and be worse than dogs. remember the old Spartan war or other peoples in history, slaves were chained, killed, raped or sent as a slave to fight for the pleasure of the nobles, who claimed noble just because they had dominated, exterminated people or just because they had a different civilization, or just because they had the softest skin, or just because they were Roman, Gallic, etc ... for them its not enough even defeated they would rip out your heart, what you would do to keep your dead while alive again in your arms to feel the heat of their skin, the laughter of their face, look how many men, women and children they will loan kill to satisfy their thirst for power, a hundred, a thousand, these liars are still alive and they stand between you and us, lying, lie to keep them as you lied about our people, our religions, our ancestors, our wealth, our continent in the worlds eyes. We do it because it is right, death call death, blood calling blood, we lived and we have endured so capricious killer occident, exterminating people for centuries, its been too long, we want it finally stops, we refuse that we still put to death one of my brothers or my sisters or children for the simple pleasure governments liars, manipulator, killers, we refuse to see other hearts ripped has a chest, breath cut forever for the simple reason to consolidate their power, and plunder of wealth that come from Africa, we know that you did not want all get there, but it is done, yes its done your life belong to you, traced your own path, path, destiny, or join us and together we will tremble the occident and those who want us dead, our extermination, our wealth, our lands.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:09:14 +0000

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