holy sugar of all things magically marvelous...just went for a run - TopicsExpress


holy sugar of all things magically marvelous...just went for a run along the venice beach boardwalk with my boy at sunset....tears filled my eyes more than once, not at sadness, no, but at complete and utter chills-provoking happiness---- and its not a everything-is-perfect happiness, its an everything is scary and exciting and unknown and oh so RIGHT happiness. multiple random people stop me as this skinny blond chick with the big blue pitty run by to tell me how gorgeous he is, we run by freaks, and psychics, and rappers, athletes, and a full on drum circle!!!, palm readers, drug dealers, tourists, hipsters, dancers, musicians, artists, and healers, and LOTS of homeless people....and you know what? some of these homeless brothers have DOGS they take care of. its amazing. and sends me into tears to see the kind of love that is. This all while the weather is chilly PERFECT and the beautiful sun is setting over the Pacific. The angels and magic are so present for me here. still house hunting for my perfect place, but nevertheless, im home. what took me so long?!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:10:37 +0000

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